aazuspan / eerepr

Interactive Code Editor-style reprs for Earth Engine objects in a Jupyter notebook
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Try using async widgets #21

Open aazuspan opened 1 year ago

aazuspan commented 1 year ago

ipywidgets supports async widgets via threading. Rather than waiting for data, turning it into HTML, and directly displaying the HTML, I could return a loading HTML widget and use threading to update the widget contents once data is retrieved from the server and formatted. This would make the experience more similar to the code editor by not blocking the entire kernel.

The main downside would be adding a dependency on ipywidgets, but if most users are using this alongside geemap then that's not a big issue. Other considerations would be:

Here's a rough implementation idea:

def _ipython_display_(obj: ee.Element):
  """Display an Earth Engine object in an async HTML widget"""
  html = ipywidgets.HTML("<span>Loading...</span>")

  threading.Thread().start(build_repr, args=(obj, html))
  return html._ipython_display_()

def _build_repr(obj: ee.Element, html: ipywidgets.HTML) -> None:
  """Format an HTML repr string and add it to an HTML widget"""
  info = obj.getInfo()
  rep = _format_repr(info)
  html.value = rep
aazuspan commented 1 year ago

~Regarding ipywidgets compatibility, VS Code doesn't currently support >7 (https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-jupyter/issues/8552). That's okay assuming I can get everything working in 7.7.2.~ VS Code now supports ipywidgets 8 🎉

aazuspan commented 1 year ago

Roadblock: ipywidgets doesn't support running Javascript within an HTML widget (https://github.com/jupyter-widgets/ipywidgets/issues/3079), so this is dead in the water until a) that changes or b) I can get a pure CSS solution for collapsing, which is pending widespread support of the has selector (see #5).

aazuspan commented 1 year ago

We can work around the limited functionality of the HTML widget by using a different widget where collapsing is built-in.

ipytree has all the functionality I need and would dramatically simplify the process of building the repr, but performance seems to be very slow. A client-side image collection with three images took about 4.8s to build with ipytree compared to around 4ms with HTML (~1000x slower), and there was also a longer delay in displaying the widget that I didn't measure. The prototype code I tested is below.

from ipytree import Tree, Node
from eerepr.html import _build_label

def build_node(obj):
    if isinstance(obj, list):
        obj_str = str(obj)
        if len(obj_str) > 50:
            obj_str = f"List ({len(obj)} objects)"

        node = Node(obj_str, opened=False)
        for item in obj:
            sub_node = build_node(item)

    elif isinstance(obj, dict):
        obj_str = _build_label(obj)

        node = Node(obj_str, opened=False)
        for k, v in obj.items():
            key_node = build_node(k)
            value_node = build_node(v)

        node = Node(str(obj), opened=False)

    return node

def ipytree_repr(obj):
    """Recursively build an ipytree.Tree from an object."""
    tree = Tree(stripes=True)

    node = build_node(obj)

    return tree

For reference, with the test below...

info = ee.ImageCollection("COPERNICUS/S2_SR").limit(3).getInfo()

...the build_node function gets called 2655 times. That's a lot, but not enough to where overhead from Python looping, function calls, or instantiation should cause a ~1000x slowdown, so the bottleneck may be within ipytree. I should do some more careful benchmarking and profiling to get a better idea of whether there's room for optimization.

Another option is building a custom widget. I've experimented some with anywidget by building a custom EEReprWidget class that is initialized with an Earth Engine object, displays a loading spinner while server-side info is fetched, then sets and renders HTML content in a div built by the _esm hook. This gave me performance comparable with a pure HTML repr with the ability for async loading. It will take some more work to fix some bugs and incompatibilities between ipywidgets versions and Jupyter environments, and I should consider building it without anywidget to save the dependency, but I think this is going to be the solution.

aazuspan commented 1 year ago

It will take some more work to fix some bugs and incompatibilities between ipywidgets versions and Jupyter environments

Note that ipywidgets 8 support was finally added to VS Code, which should make this a little less painful!