ababaian / bioSyntax-archive

Syntax highlighting for computational biology
GNU General Public License v3.0
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bioSyntax Release TODO #25

Closed ababaian closed 6 years ago

ababaian commented 6 years ago

Hey team, Our little project is really coming together! I know it's a busy time for all of coming up but I think pushing back the release deadline by a week and a half will let us finish this strong. Wednesday December 13th is the goal deadline.


On Dec 14th there is a VanBug (Vancouver Bioinformatics) meeting and 3-minute lightning talks. We can use this to let all the bioinformaticians across Vancouver know about bioSyntax and to get the word out. This is a great opportunity to put yourself out there and get to meet more of the bioinformatics community, I'm hoping one of you will be keen to represent bioSyntax.


This past weekend I spent a few hours going over the manuscript and I've evenly divided the remaining work. As per ICMJE, being a scientific author means you must contribute a non-trivial portion to writing and take responsibility for everything included (so proof read others work too). This needs to be done earlier then the final deadline because it's going to have to go through some revisions. Please take 3-4 hours over the next week to complete your section, they are mostly short but have to be thoughtfully written. Due: Dec 5th

Tasks Remaining

Open Bug-fixes

I've made our gedit-theme bioSyntax/syntax/gedit/bioSyntax.xml. We need someone to go through our gedit-syntax files and change the <styles> section so that all colors are map-to="bioSyntax:VARNAME". I've done bed.lang, clustal.lang and faidx.lang as examples

Meeting up

Let's take a break this week from meeting as last week went pretty long. If you can all work independently on the thing you're assigned and the manuscript then we can meet next week to plan out the finish and do what we have to do. I think we're all a bit less busy then too.

OK, I think that's the major points.If there's anything more we'd like to discuss. Please sign yourself up for tasks which don't have someone working on them (Just Edit this comment). Also do 1 thing at a time.

fransilvion commented 6 years ago

TODO for our installer