ababaian / serratus

Ultra-deep search for novel viruses
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Please run SRA SRR11085797 #243

Closed bioscienceresearch closed 3 years ago

bioscienceresearch commented 3 years ago

NCBI SRA SRR11085797 contains sequence reads for RaTG13, the closest ancestor to SARS-CoV-2.


As such it is an impotant CoV to study

ababaian commented 3 years ago

Hello, that sample has already been run: https://serratus.io/explorer?run=SRR11085797#result

You can visualize the data directly in JBrowse built into the website. Looks like it has RaTG13 as the online meta-data suggests.

ababaian commented 3 years ago

If you have a list of samples to process please keep it to one issue, compile the complete list and make sure it has not been run already by checking the website. Please do not open an issue per sample.

bioscienceresearch commented 3 years ago

Thanks, SRR11085797 must have been user error. As far as I can tell following hav not been run:

SRR12432009 SRR11806578

ababaian commented 3 years ago

Yep, I can slate those for processing but it might take a while before it trickles to the website. If you have an immediate use case I'll post the links to the raw data here once it's ready.

Edit: SRR11806578 is capillary sequencing, that is a tiny file you can view the output directly but it doesn't fit into our analysis pipeline.

Instrument: AB 310 Genetic Analyzer