ababaian / serratus

Ultra-deep search for novel viruses
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all serratus assemblies (60k accessions) #260

Open rchikhi opened 2 years ago

rchikhi commented 2 years ago

This describes the gathering of all the assemblies generated by Serratus into a single file.

TLDR: It's available at https://lovelywater.s3.amazonaws.com/assembly/rdva/rdva_v0.2.fa.lz4 (updated 2022-05-14)

How this file was constructed: it's a concatenation of:

Minor caveats:

rcedgar commented 2 years ago

Hi @rchikhi wow this is great! @ababaian flagging that availability & locations of assemblies should be prominent in the documentation & from web home page once the migration to lovelywater is completed -- this is a valuable resource a la TSA but Serratus users are generally not aware of this.

rchikhi commented 2 years ago

Some stats:

# number of lines
$ lz4cat all_serratus_assemblies_05032022.fa.lz4 | wc -l

# number of sequences
$ lz4cat all_serratus_assemblies_05032022.fa.lz4 |grep "^" | wc -l      
rcedgar commented 2 years ago
115,901,154,997 = 116 x 10^9
13,455,281,410 = 13 x 10^9

but should be bases not lines, what is a line anyway ;)

rchikhi commented 2 years ago

hehe agreed that the lines metric is a bit arbitrary (-- only useful if you're tracking progress of parsing this file line by line). Here's a more useful one, number of bases: 5.9 trillion

$ \time lz4cat all_serratus_assemblies_05032022.fa.lz4 | seqkit stats
8552.58user 2539.75system 7:38:42elapsed 40%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 7204maxresident)k
4963841248inputs+0outputs (0major+1548minor)pagefaults 0swaps
file  format  type        num_seqs            sum_len  min_len  avg_len    max_len
-     FASTA   DNA   13,455,281,410  5,950,865,353,293       12    442.3  2,480,648
rchikhi commented 2 years ago

The newly uploaded file s3://serratus-public/assemblies/all_serratus_assemblies_05032022.k_values.txt contains the k values of each assembly. Specifically, the last k value used by SPAdes. (For only 6 of the accessions, the k value couldn't be retrieved and is reported as "-1".)

rchikhi commented 2 years ago

and this file contains all the circular contigs within the assemblies: s3://serratus-public/assemblies/all_serratus_assemblies_05032022.only_circles.fasta

Anto007 commented 1 year ago

Looks like a super-cool resource and many thanks for your pains in generating this wonderful piece of data. Before I go ahead & get the resources for the local storage of this gigantic assembly, I was wondering if a BLAST/Diamond search for my gene of interest is going to be feasible if I use this resource as my BLAST database. I haven't worked with such a big BLAST database before and so I was wondering if you would have any insights/suggestions in this regard. I have access to high-end scientific workstations as well as a high performance computing cluster at my end. Thank you again!

rchikhi commented 1 year ago

You could run minimap2 with that database as query and your gene of interest as reference (important not to switch ref<>query here).

ababaian commented 1 year ago

Everything is possible with enough motivation :D But seriously, it could take quite a bit of time to generate the BLAST or diamond database, but it is feasible. Alternative would be to run hmmscan with your sequence as input and that could work well too.

Anto007 commented 1 year ago

Many thanks for your useful suggestions @rchikhi and @ababaian. I think I'll give it a try with minimap2, nhmmer and also mmseqs2. I noticed that you have listed out all the accession numbers of datasets that were used in generating this assembly and I was curious to know if you've got the sample source biome information (for e.g., soil, ocean/human microbiome etc.) for these listed out somewhere as well. Alternatively, I suppose I can just esearch & efetch to fetch the info here. I would also appreciate it very much if you could let me know how best to cite this wonderful resource of yours in case I go ahead and use it in my work. Thank you again.

Anto007 commented 1 year ago

Sorry, I'm a bit confused about one vital piece of info- @rchikhi could you confirm if this rdva_v0.2.fa.lz4 represents not only metatranscriptomes but also metagenomes? From a quick look, it definitely seems so? In your Twitter thread, you seemed to suggest that the assembly is represented by metatranscriptomes or perhaps I interpreted your tweet wrongly?

ababaian commented 1 year ago

These will contain metatranscriptomes, RNAseq, metagenomes and possibly a few more exotic sequence datasets (ChIP-seq). Selection was automated based on sequences which were detected within the library (i.e. Coronavirus reads), as human annotation of data is faulty. Buyer beware.

permia commented 7 months ago

Wow, have your annotated all the sequences and found all the virus/dark sequences?