ababaian / serratus

Ultra-deep search for novel viruses
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Is Serratus running on most recent SRAs? #263

Closed centaria closed 2 years ago

centaria commented 2 years ago

Hello Serratus Team, I was wondering if Serratus displays search only from SRAs obtained at the time of the Serratus paper publication or if you guys are running it on newly emerging SRAs since your publication and updating the results? Thank you very much!

ababaian commented 2 years ago

Hey @centaria,

We have everything up until Jan 1st 2022 analyzed, the reports and data are online at s3://lovelywater/ for those runs, we're just a bit slow with propagating the data downstream into the website and SQL server :'( . If you know the datasets you're looking for you can download them directly by accession.

centaria commented 2 years ago

Thank you very much, Artem, this is very helpful. Are you planning to run serratus on the new samples and deposit results?

ababaian commented 2 years ago

Yep, it will be run in batches moving forward. I'm hoping to get some of the downstream processing cleaned up into a pipeline to make the update process smoother. Only so many hours in a day though '^_^

centaria commented 2 years ago

Thank you very much, Artem. Please keep us posted. What a great work you and the team are doing for the humanity. I’m a big fan. Thank you!