$ test/test_script.sh
Which version of Python do we have?
Python 3.5.0
Do we have ncbi-genome-download?
Do we have kraken?
Kraken version 1.0
Copyright 2013-2015, Derrick Wood (dwood@cs.jhu.edu)
Do we have kaiju?
Kaiju 1.5.0
Do we have trimmomatic?
Do we have fastqc?
FastQC v0.11.6
Do we have numpy?
Do we have pandas?
Do we have biopython?
Begining tests...
When using TravisCI we should be able to infer all these version numbers from the installation part of the log, but I found this is useful for local testing.
New output from the test script:
When using TravisCI we should be able to infer all these version numbers from the installation part of the log, but I found this is useful for local testing.