abalabahaha / eris

A NodeJS Discord library
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How can I make my bot send Friend Requests? #238

Closed AggPro closed 7 years ago

AggPro commented 7 years ago

Welp, I would like to test something, and this code right here...

var friendCommand = bot.registerCommand("friend", (msg, args) => { if(args.length === 0) { msg.author.addRelationship; return ":ok_hand:"; } }, { description: "Creates a Relationship With the bot", fullDescription: "Helpful for some testing", usage: "" });

...returns this!

addRelationship(block) { return this._client.addRelationship.call(this._client, this.id, block); }

I would love if anyone helped me.


minemidnight commented 7 years ago

Well, you didn't call anything and bots cannot use relationships. All you did was reference a function

AggPro commented 7 years ago

but theres in the docs! https://abal.moe/Eris/docs/Client#function-addRelationship

hsiW commented 7 years ago

That should be removed in the future, bots cannot use addRelationship and if a userbot/selfbot uses addRelationship it unverfies your account.

AggPro commented 7 years ago


AggPro commented 7 years ago

anyways thanks