Closed graffxdesign closed 1 year ago
1.try to remove subfolder vendor and file composer.lock
1.try to remove subfolder vendor and file composer.lock 2. run composer install in the terminal 3. try now your script
this did not work for me
this did not work for me
what this mean? any details?
for example:
$config = \UPS\OAuthClientCredentials\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'UPS\OAuthClientCredentials\Configuration' not found in C:\xampp\htdocs\test\index.php:5 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in C:\xampp\htdocs\test\index.php on line 5
"require-dev": {
"phpstan/phpstan": "0.12.100",
"vimeo/psalm": "3.18.2",
"phpmd/phpmd" : "2.14.1",
"cloudstek/php-laff" : "1.1.1"
"require": {
"google/apiclient": "2.14.0",
"nicolab/php-ftp-client": "1.6.1",
"phpclassic/php-shopify": "1.2.9",
"php-amqplib/php-amqplib": "3.6.0",
"hollodotme/fast-cgi-client": "3.1.7",
"sentry/sdk": "3.5",
"guzzlehttp/guzzle": "7.3.0 as 6.5",
"mpdf/mpdf": "8.0.10",
"picqer/bol-retailer-php-client": "8.1.0",
"satun14/redmine-api": "v2.0",
"dragonmantank/cron-expression": "3.3.3",
"elasticsearch/elasticsearch": "8.10.0",
"phpoffice/phpspreadsheet": "1.29.0",
"php-ai/php-ml": "0.9.0",
"jlevers/selling-partner-api": "5.10.1",
"symfony/var-dumper": "^5.4",
"abantecart/ups-php": "^1.0"
"config": {
"allow-plugins": {
"wikimedia/composer-merge-plugin": true,
"php-http/discovery": true
any other vendor library works just fine
This package is a API set with it's own composer.json files inside of each subdirectory. Unfortunately i don't know a solution how to install all UPS APIs as one monolith package via "composer require" command. I added wikimedia-merge-plugin into composer.json and it works when i run "composer install" inside directory of the project(see vendor/composer/autoload_static.php file, you should look on UPS classes inside) If you run composer require command these UPS classes ignores without any causes. Asking of help on wikimwedia github-repo does not help.
@abolabo always you can make main package with composer.json, where you can require all "packages" from separated repos. After all why do you need to separate each api with additional composer.json file?
@abolabo always you can make main package with composer.json, where you can require all "packages" from separated repos. After all why do you need to separate each api with additional composer.json file?
It was not mine idea. See official UPS openapi repo. We just use UPS specs. But maybe you are right. Probably we can merge all their openapi json specs. Need to think.
Ran into this problem too. To fix this problem you need change the autoload configuration of your composer.json:
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"UPS\\AddressValidation\\": "vendor/abantecart/ups-php/AddressValidation/src/",
"UPS\\DangerousGoods\\": "vendor/abantecart/ups-php/DangerousGoods/src/",
"UPS\\LandedCost\\": "vendor/abantecart/ups-php/LandedCost/src/",
"UPS\\Locator\\": "vendor/abantecart/ups-php/Locator/src/",
"UPS\\OAuthAuthCode\\": "vendor/abantecart/ups-php/OAuthAuthCode/src/",
"UPS\\OAuthClientCredentials\\": "vendor/abantecart/ups-php/OAuthClientCredentials/src/",
"UPS\\Paperless\\": "vendor/abantecart/ups-php/Paperless/src/",
"UPS\\Pickup\\": "vendor/abantecart/ups-php/Pickup/src/",
"UPS\\PreNotification\\": "vendor/abantecart/ups-php/PreNotification/src/",
"UPS\\QuantumView\\": "vendor/abantecart/ups-php/QuantumView/src/",
"UPS\\Rating\\": "vendor/abantecart/ups-php/Rating/src/",
"UPS\\Shipping\\": "vendor/abantecart/ups-php/Shipping/src/",
"UPS\\TForceFreightPickup\\": "vendor/abantecart/ups-php/TForceFreightPickup/src/",
"UPS\\TForceFreightPickupCancel\\": "vendor/abantecart/ups-php/TForceFreightPickupCancel/src/",
"UPS\\TForceFreightRating\\": "vendor/abantecart/ups-php/TForceFreightRating/src/",
"UPS\\TForceFreightShipping\\": "vendor/abantecart/ups-php/TForceFreightShipping/src/",
"UPS\\TimeInTransit\\": "vendor/abantecart/ups-php/TimeInTransit/src/",
"UPS\\Tracking\\": "vendor/abantecart/ups-php/Tracking/src/",
"UPS\\UPSTrackAlert\\": "vendor/abantecart/ups-php/UPSTrackAlert/src/"
@abolabo can't this be fixed by creating separate repositories for each API and referencing those repo's in the global ups-php package ? Installing only ups-locator, it's now just not possible.
@abolabo can't this be fixed by creating separate repositories for each API and referencing those repo's in the global ups-php package ? Installing only ups-locator, it's now just not possible.
this package based on official UPS api-spec repository (see readme). They changing their API quantities permanentaly. Since summer 2023 i had seen at least 4 renaming of apis. I think to create of separate repo for each their API is a mistake.
Maybe this will stabilize in the coming year.
Ran into this problem too. To fix this problem you need change the autoload configuration of your composer.json:
{ "autoload": { "psr-4": { "UPS\\AddressValidation\\": "vendor/abantecart/ups-php/AddressValidation/src/", "UPS\\DangerousGoods\\": "vendor/abantecart/ups-php/DangerousGoods/src/", "UPS\\LandedCost\\": "vendor/abantecart/ups-php/LandedCost/src/", "UPS\\Locator\\": "vendor/abantecart/ups-php/Locator/src/", "UPS\\OAuthAuthCode\\": "vendor/abantecart/ups-php/OAuthAuthCode/src/", "UPS\\OAuthClientCredentials\\": "vendor/abantecart/ups-php/OAuthClientCredentials/src/", "UPS\\Paperless\\": "vendor/abantecart/ups-php/Paperless/src/", "UPS\\Pickup\\": "vendor/abantecart/ups-php/Pickup/src/", "UPS\\PreNotification\\": "vendor/abantecart/ups-php/PreNotification/src/", "UPS\\QuantumView\\": "vendor/abantecart/ups-php/QuantumView/src/", "UPS\\Rating\\": "vendor/abantecart/ups-php/Rating/src/", "UPS\\Shipping\\": "vendor/abantecart/ups-php/Shipping/src/", "UPS\\TForceFreightPickup\\": "vendor/abantecart/ups-php/TForceFreightPickup/src/", "UPS\\TForceFreightPickupCancel\\": "vendor/abantecart/ups-php/TForceFreightPickupCancel/src/", "UPS\\TForceFreightRating\\": "vendor/abantecart/ups-php/TForceFreightRating/src/", "UPS\\TForceFreightShipping\\": "vendor/abantecart/ups-php/TForceFreightShipping/src/", "UPS\\TimeInTransit\\": "vendor/abantecart/ups-php/TimeInTransit/src/", "UPS\\Tracking\\": "vendor/abantecart/ups-php/Tracking/src/", "UPS\\UPSTrackAlert\\": "vendor/abantecart/ups-php/UPSTrackAlert/src/" } } }
This fixed it for me. Easiest solution might be to add this to the
I went to my blank website root and ran the composer command and installed the files
I created a new file in my root, upstest.php and added this content.
$accNumber = ''; $clientId = ''; $password = '';
$config = \UPS\OAuthClientCredentials\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration() ->setUsername($clientId) ->setPassword($password);
$apiInstance = new \UPS\OAuthClientCredentials\Request\DefaultApi( // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements
. // This is optional,GuzzleHttp\Client
will be used as default. new \GuzzleHttp\Client(), $config ); $grant_type = "client_credentials"; // string | $x_merchant_id = $accNumber; // string | Client merchant IDtry { $result = $apiInstance->createToken($grant_type, $x_merchant_id); print_r($result); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Exception when calling DefaultApi->generateToken: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; }
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class "UPS\OAuthClientCredentials\Configuration" not found in /home/pelp/public_html/dadev/upstest.php:17 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /home/pelp/public_html/dadev/upstest.php on line 7