abantos / bolt

A task automation tool (similart to grunt) for Python
MIT License
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Provide Context Property that Provides Information About Failing Task When Using Continue-On-Error Switch #76

Open CurroRodriguez opened 7 years ago

CurroRodriguez commented 7 years ago


As a task developer, I want to know if a previous task has failed when the user executes bolt with the --continue-on-error switch, so I can decide what my task should do in certain conditions.


Bolt provides a --continue-on-error switch that will continue to execute tasks even if some of the fail. Although, it is not recommended to use that switch often, some times it can be handy to let subsequent tasks run if some failures are found.

The task execution context should expose a property that provides information of tasks that have been executed and failed, so other tasks can evaluate that information and make decisions about it.

The information provides should be simple; probably, a dictionary where the keys are the failed tasks names and the values are the raised exception that caused the failure.

The implementation of this feature depends on the implementation of Issue #75 which provides the task execution context.

CurroRodriguez commented 7 years ago

Issue #76: Provide Context Property that Provides Information About Failing Task When Using Continue-On-Error Switch