abap2UI5-connectors / fiori-launchpad-connector-onpremise

Host abap2UI5 Apps on SAP Fiori Launchpad (S/4 Private)
MIT License
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Error Start App from Launchpad #3

Closed Th0masMa closed 8 months ago

Th0masMa commented 1 year ago

Hi @oblomov-dev ,

if i start the app from Launchpad i receice an error


Launchpad Configuration



What do i wrong?

Best Regards Thomas

oblomov-dev commented 1 year ago

Mhh starting the app independently is working on your system?

How described in the documentation or here: image

Th0masMa commented 1 year ago

I can start the service from sicf. It works fine.

oblomov-dev commented 1 year ago

Ok great! First step done. Then it is just a problem with the launchpad maintenance, will try to give it a look again and extend the documentation in the next days.

Th0masMa commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much. Have a nice Weekend.

oblomov-dev commented 1 year ago

Checked it again, basically we now have a normal UI5 app and just need to customize the on-premise launchpad in the normal way. Check out the following documentation: https://github.com/abap2UI5/abap2UI5-documentation/blob/main/docs/ext-fiori_launchpad_integration/launchpad_setup.md

Or this guideline: https://blogs.sap.com/2017/11/19/sap-fiori-ui5-app-configuration-in-sap-fiori-launchpad/

Let me know if there are any problems, do not find the time to do the whole configuration on the system by myself at the moment.

Th0masMa commented 1 year ago

Hi @oblomov-dev,

the application is loading. But i receive this Error:


oblomov-dev commented 1 year ago

Ok the UI5 library now gets loaded from the launchpad sources, seems that certain modules (Date) are not available. Not sure if this is a abap2UI5 specific problem or a general one. I will try to check this on my own system.

oblomov-dev commented 1 year ago

Customized it to the end and also get an error but another one:


Seems to be very dependent of the UI5 version the launchpad uses. Which UI5 version is your launchpad using?

Th0masMa commented 1 year ago

SAPUI5 Distribution: 1.96.12 (Build von 24.08.2022 08:04:00) OpenUI5 Version: 1.96.11 (Build von 22.08.2022 08:47:00) Benutzeragent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 App-URL: https::8001/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/ui2/ushell/shells/abap/Fiorilaunchpad.html?sap-client=500&sap-language=DE#Shell-home




Th0masMa commented 1 year ago


oblomov-dev commented 1 year ago

Ok you customize the tile different, now did it like you:

image image image

But get the same error, although i checked the ID.

I am not really an on-premise launchpad expert, normally just doing cloud launchpad so i am wondering a little bit how this is working. For me this is not a specific abap2UI5 problem because i just deployed a normal UI5 app 🤷‍♂️

@Th0masMa besides all this, i added a changes to abap2UI5 yesterday and this error should not occur anymore.


So you can check this again.

Best regards.

Th0masMa commented 1 year ago

Hi @oblomov-dev , I test the new Version. It works. Thomas

oblomov-dev commented 1 year ago

Cool! nice to hear that this is working now.

If you have the chance to share more screenshots of your configuration & transactions you customized etc. Feel free to share it, it would be a big help. There are a lot of tutorial concerning this but i can not really find out which guidelines are working and what to do exactly. I can give it a try then again.

best regards.

axelmohnen commented 1 year ago

Hi @oblomov-dev, I implemented your solution and it works out of the box! Thanks a lot :-) I'm able to switch the user themes in FLP and it takes into account in ABAP2UI5 app as well. This is great. I see that in the the method "HTTP_GET" the itab "lt_config" will be still filled by the default settings. Is this still needed, could we skip this part?

I enhanced your ZABAP2UI5 app in order to set the FLP app title dynamically via FLP custo. Please have a look to the screenshots below. Controller: image

Manifest: image

FLP custo: image

Open Point: Is it possible to switch to fullscreen mode?

Thanks, Axel

oblomov-dev commented 1 year ago

HI @axelmohnen,

yes in the HTTP_GET the lt_config is still filled, but it does not have any effect to the frontend app (there it is ignored). I don't want to have two abap2UI5 versions, therefore i keep it as it is. You can also delete it but i would not recommend this. With the next update of abap2UI5 it will be overwritten again anyway.

You enhancement with the title is a nice idea. Can you send a PR with your adjustment to the manifest and controller?

Fullscreen mode: What does this mean for you? You want to start an app in a separated tab? I think this is also configurable via launchpad. You have to start the app via external URL.

Best regards.

axelmohnen commented 1 year ago

With fullscreen mode I mean the "letterboxing". [https://experience.sap.com/fiori-design-web/letter-boxing/]

In the manifest of the ZABAP2UI5 app I could set the property "sap.ui.fullWidth: true/false" in order to switch letterboxing on/off.

oblomov-dev commented 1 year ago

Ah ok I'm most of the apps it is set manually maybe this overwrites the functionality. Did you check if the called app sets a shell? If yes maybe delete this control and try again.

axelmohnen commented 1 year ago

How do you can set the letterboxing manually in the app?

oblomov-dev commented 1 year ago

letterboxing is created when you use the control Shell, for example here: https://github.com/abap2UI5/abap2UI5/blob/d4afaffed4f57a9c75891e0932e36a0afeb97edc/src/z2ui5_cl_app_hello_world.clas.abap#L33

Delete this line and your app should be in fullscreen mode.

axelmohnen commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately, it doesn't work. It seems the shell of the SAPUI5 app overwrites it. The ZABAP2UI5 "view1" doesn't have a "shell" control implemented (only )

oblomov-dev commented 1 year ago

mhh wenn i delete line 33 and start the app, directly or with the new zabap2ui5, in both cases letterboxing is deactivated: image

axelmohnen commented 1 year ago

Could you please compare my elements with yours. In my case the width is always set to 80rem. image


axelmohnen commented 1 year ago

Hi @oblomov-dev,

problem has been solved. I added the property "fullWidth=true" to the manifest. Now I'm able to activate/deactivate letterboxing by adding/remove the "SHELL()" method. image

Thanks, Axel

oblomov-dev commented 1 year ago

Cool, nice to hear that it works now!

Unfortunately i have problems to add the app to my own on-premise launchpad, get an error when starting the app. So if you have the time feel free to share screenshots of the configurations you made. Maybe i took the wrong tutorial or made a mistake somewhere. https://github.com/abap2UI5/ext-fiori_launchpad_on_premise/issues/3#issuecomment-1683400161

Thanks and best regards.

axelmohnen commented 1 year ago

Here is the target mapping: image

and the corresponding tile configuration: image

oblomov-dev commented 1 year ago

thank you!

oblomov-dev commented 8 months ago

i close this one, just open a new issue if there are further problems