Open AlexandreHT opened 2 weeks ago
And if you like more bugs like this try the following (of course using convert):
IF frac( div ) = 0.
INSERT VALUE lvc_s_scol( fname = 'LAND1' color = VALUE #( col = 5 int = '1' inv = '0' ) ) INTO TABLE ls_test-colors.
INSERT VALUE lvc_s_scol( fname = space color = VALUE #( col = 1 int = '1' inv = '0' ) ) INTO TABLE ls_test-colors.
SALV Output looks good, but in ABAP2XLSX the line color wins even in the LAND1 column.
Yes but it's a different bug.
Here the point is that I have the bug when I call bind_alv
(Option 1) but I have the expected result when I call the converter, (Option 2).
Which is surprising considering that bind_alv
mainly call the converter.
METHOD bind_alv.
DATA: lo_converter TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_converter.
CREATE OBJECT lo_converter.
io_alv = io_alv
it_table = it_table
i_row_int = i_top
i_column_int = i_left
i_table = i_table
i_style_table = table_style
io_worksheet = me
co_excel = excel ).
CATCH zcx_excel .
Hi, When I use bind_alv with an SALV that has colored cells, the Excel file produced by ABAP2xlsx does not have any colors (Option 1 in the demo program). Surprisingly, if I use the code contained in bin_alv (Option 2), it works.
Steps to reproduce: