abapGit / abapGit-Plugins

DEPRECATED - abapGit Plugins Framework
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short dump upon deserialization (insert) #38

Open filak-sap opened 4 years ago

filak-sap commented 4 years ago

I have an object whose name is case sensitive, so the method get_where_clause [0] generates a where clause which does not find the object entries and deserialization dies on duplicate insert error.

I can see that the only place where the object name is stored in case sensitive format is the serialized table contents in the corresponding object xml file.

I am currently pondering how to fix this problem.

0: https://github.com/abapGit/abapGit-Plugins/blob/master/src/zcl_abapgitp_object_by_sobj.clas.locals_imp.abap#L375

mbtools commented 4 years ago

I thought object names (DB keys) are usually all upper case. I wrote a little program to check all keys for tables in OBJSL. There are 122 logical object types in NW 7.5 that allow lower-case keys (for the corresponding data element). It is more common and the generic serializer (here and in abapGit) should work with it properly.

I don't see any upper or lower case conversion in the plug-in. Do you have an example of the where-clause that doesn't work?