abaplint / transpiler

ABAP to JS transpiler & runtime
MIT License
82 stars 23 forks source link

2.10.21: update npm dependencies #1474

Open larshp opened 2 weeks ago

github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago
Regression test results: Repository Result
abap-openapi/abap-openapi :green_circle:
abapGit/abapGit :green_circle:
heliconialabs/abap-opentelemetry :green_circle:
heliconialabs/abap-protobuf :green_circle:
larshp/abap-advent-2020 :green_circle:
larshp/abap-wasm :green_circle:
larshp/abapNTLM :green_circle:
larshp/abapPGP :green_circle:
open-abap/open-abap-core :green_circle:
open-abap/open-abap-gui :green_circle:
open-abap/open-abap-odata :green_circle:
open-abap/open-table-maintenance :green_circle:
SAP/abap-file-formats-tools :green_circle:
Sumu-Ning/AES :green_circle:
Performance test results: Performance Before After Delta
1: APPEND and DELETE 1135ms 1154ms 19 :green_circle:
2: READ TABLE, table_line 1005ms 1041ms 36 :green_circle:
3: LOOP USING KEY 1137ms 1137ms 0 :green_circle:
4: Copy, same sorting 258ms 245ms -13 :green_circle:
5: Copy, becomes sorted 96ms 87ms -9 :green_circle:
6: INSERT INDEX 1 407ms 401ms -6 :green_circle:
7: APPEND matching types 1069ms 1078ms 9 :green_circle:
8: READ TABLE BINARY SEARCH 82ms 83ms 1 :green_circle:
9: INSERT INTO TABLE hashed 22ms 22ms 0 :green_circle:
10: DELETE ADJACENT 1560ms 1557ms -3 :green_circle:
11: READ WITH TABLE KEY HASHED 328ms 319ms -9 :green_circle:
12: READ WITH KEY HASHED, primary 399ms 397ms -2 :green_circle:
13: INSERT INTO TABLE standard 66ms 66ms 0 :green_circle:
14: Constant characters 118ms 120ms 2 :green_circle:
15: Compare characters 111ms 104ms -7 :green_circle:
16: Method number 5 :notes: 822ms 817ms -5 :green_circle:
17: Substring and find negative 288ms 276ms -12 :green_circle:
18: CO compare 218ms 212ms -6 :green_circle:
19: Call method, compatible structure 398ms 415ms 17 :green_circle:
20: Call method, identical structure 18ms 16ms -2 :green_circle:
21: CASE many char constants 557ms 515ms -42 :green_circle:
22: READ TABLE WITH KEY secondary 53ms 58ms 5 :green_circle:
23: CASE many int constants 362ms 346ms -16 :green_circle:
24: Copy table contents 1418ms 1424ms 6 :green_circle:
25: READ TABLE, not found 45ms 45ms 0 :green_circle:
26: REPLACE OCCURRENCES, simple 147ms 158ms 11 :green_circle:
27: READ TABLE, building hash 85ms 88ms 3 :green_circle:
28: CONCATENATE 2ms 3ms 1 :green_circle:
29: Write Hex to Hex via offset 2569ms 2615ms 46 :green_circle:
30: Get Hex from Hex via offset 9ms 9ms 0 :green_circle:
31: SET BIT hex 1288ms 1400ms 112 :green_circle:
32: GET BIT hex 1011ms 1002ms -9 :green_circle:
33: Compare Hex 753ms 722ms -31 :green_circle:
34: Basic CONCATENATE 79ms 80ms 1 :green_circle:
35: gt 329ms 393ms 64 :green_circle:

Updated: 2024-11-21T14:29:11.224Z

SHA: 58bc3bf4e1692cfed25ce34a51f176941b7517b8