abarisain / dmix

A modern MPD Client for Android.
Apache License 2.0
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Port settings being ignored #26

Closed craftycorvid closed 13 years ago

craftycorvid commented 13 years ago

I have a server running 4 instances of MPD on different ports, including various HTTP streams on different ports. When I try to connect to any of the instances running on the non-default ports MPDroid will just connect to the instance on the default port.

So, for example, I'll set MPDroid to connect to port 6601 for MPD and 8001 for HTTP, when I go to control or stream from the server I am connected to the instance on port 6600 and 8000. Restarting MPDroid does nothing, I tried connecting to the stream individually with the android music player and it works fine, as does connecting to the MPD instances with other Droid and desktop clients, so the server configuration is correct.

pennuja commented 13 years ago

I have the same issue, worked yesterday before running the update.

Any way to roll back to before the update for the time being.

Otherwise I love the app couldn't live without it on the long commute!

abarisain commented 13 years ago

I screwed the latest update :< Sorry for the delay but, that should be fixed, please tell me if it still does not work for you !