abarisain / dmix

A modern MPD Client for Android.
Apache License 2.0
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Please add MPDROID to share/sendto for apps like youtube #500

Open lassos opened 10 years ago

lassos commented 10 years ago

Hello, please please. It happens sometime that yout want to listen to fresh music not yet downloaded as mp3 file. so pleeeeeaaase, pleaaaassse ad the feature that if playing streams from example youtube there will be the opportunity to share with mpdroid .-)))) . Mupeace ist still be able to but it's buggy and not updated for month.

I would pay for it or spent money to paypal. greetz lars

"When using the browser, podcasts, youtube or any program that links to audio files, it would be nice to be able to click "Share" and send to MPDroid. MPDroid could take the URL and from there handle it like normally does when manually adding an item to "Streams". (ie. Push the URL up to MPD, allowing MPD to stream the file.)"

hurzl commented 10 years ago

I like the idea, it could add the stream to the current playlist.

But I don't understand MPDroid's concept of the StreamsFragment, aren't streams handled like any other item by MPD? This "streams.xml" file is just made up by MPDroid and has no special meaning for MPD, and there is no extra stream handling command in MPD? You can add streams to any playlist so why have an extra streams.xml?

avuton commented 10 years ago

StreamsFragment needs to go away once someone converts the popup intent to save to playlist or current queue... But that's a different subject. I couldn't care about YouTube integration, probably violates YouTube's TOS somehow. Not worth the energy.

abarisain commented 10 years ago

It is a contributed feature. You can save the stream name (although it's probably possible with the playlist), find it quickly and add in that particular feature's case : don't require to be connected to the mpd server.

The streams.xml is also portable with the cantata desktop program.

About the streams situation generally : it kind of works (except for the terrible bugs) and I can't really get rid of the streamsfragment now that people are used to it. Not even by replacing it with a playlist based workaround. I did not touch them in a while since I don't use them.

@avuton : I don't know why people would want to stream youtube to mpdroid (the sound quality is so poor) but plugging in the share intent for youtube is probabky not violating their TOS. We've already got some integration by the way so it's not like we've got nothing.

By the way : I will not implement stuff just because Mupeace does. There is a reason it is a fork.

avuton commented 10 years ago

Arg, I can't stand the streams thing. It's really feature misdesign; If it HAS to stay implemented, it should be reimplemented with stickers+playlist, but it's really duplicated (and bad) functionality. All of this IMHO.

hurzl commented 10 years ago

I find the StreamsFragment confusing. I just now understand after digging into the source that it is not relevant (has no real functionality)

The intent would be useful for radio stations you find via a browser. Of course you could also copy the url manually, but for this I miss a possibility to add the string

@avuton which popup intent?

avuton commented 10 years ago

@hurzl The add by clicking on URL intent. In (my) perfect world, the popup would have a couple of check boxes , one option to add to queue, one to add to playlist. Could be done really smartly, but there are a few things I want to take care of prior to it.