abarisain / dmix

A modern MPD Client for Android.
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Non-latin characters cause artwork coflicts #861

Closed viovoid closed 5 years ago

viovoid commented 5 years ago

MPDroid version 1.07.02 (54)

Non-Latin characters do not seem to be distinguished for the sake of artwork. For example: I have two albums in my library by 妖精帝國, called 桃の羽 and 桃の森. Note that both albums are three characters in length. When the artwork of one is updated (either through own webserver or downloaded from internet), the artwork of the other is overwritten as well.

My present workaround for this is to add a non-breaking space to the second album on the server, so the art cache recognizes two different release names.

viovoid commented 5 years ago

After reconfiguring my webserver, I have it working from it—however, the internet scraper seems to be getting confused.