abartov / bybeconv

Project Ben-Yehuda's content management system.
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Fix routing for addlink rmlink methods in IngestiblesController #388

Closed damisul closed 1 week ago

damisul commented 1 week ago

Currently we have in routes.rb:

  match 'ingestibles/:id/rmauth/:seqno' => 'ingestibles#rmauth', as: 'ingestible_remove_authority', via: [:post, :delete]
  post 'ingestibles/:id/addauth' => 'ingestibles#addauth', as: 'ingestible_add_authority'

I believe it would be better to define those methods as member actions in ingestibes resrouces instead. It will change URLs a bit

abartov commented 1 week ago

Sure, go ahead.

damisul commented 1 week ago

After disucssion in telegram I've extracted those methods into a separate controller IngestibleAuthoritiesController