I hope someone can help. I can't seem to get anything working. When the "HEADTRACKER is OFF" box is showing and the head tracker is connected via USB, the green LED is lit on the GY85. The orange flashing light on the teensy board stopped flashing when I uploaded the hedrot firmware.
With "AUTODISCOVER" turned on, when I press the box to "HEADTRACKER is ON", the information under the "selected port" box says "candidate is not a headtracker" and "no headtracker connected, autodiscovering". "0/ dev/cu.Bluetooth-incoming-port" is showing in the "selected port" box, even though I'm using USB and not bluetooth.
If I then deselect the "AUTODISCOVER" box and select the same "0/ dev/cu.Bluetooth-incoming-port" from the dropdown menu (as it's the only choice), the information under the "selected port" box now says "headtracker connected, waiting for info" but nothing happens and nothing can be calibrated.
I have assembled and tried two different headtrackers and have tried several usb cables, but can't get any further.
I would really appreciate any assistance with this.
Hi, I hope someone can help. I can't seem to get anything working. When the "HEADTRACKER is OFF" box is showing and the head tracker is connected via USB, the green LED is lit on the GY85. The orange flashing light on the teensy board stopped flashing when I uploaded the hedrot firmware.
With "AUTODISCOVER" turned on, when I press the box to "HEADTRACKER is ON", the information under the "selected port" box says "candidate is not a headtracker" and "no headtracker connected, autodiscovering". "0/ dev/cu.Bluetooth-incoming-port" is showing in the "selected port" box, even though I'm using USB and not bluetooth.
If I then deselect the "AUTODISCOVER" box and select the same "0/ dev/cu.Bluetooth-incoming-port" from the dropdown menu (as it's the only choice), the information under the "selected port" box now says "headtracker connected, waiting for info" but nothing happens and nothing can be calibrated.
I have assembled and tried two different headtrackers and have tried several usb cables, but can't get any further.
I would really appreciate any assistance with this.