abau / co4

COmplexity COncerned COnstraint COmpiler
GNU General Public License v3.0
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toCpfOrderingConstraintProof must handle non-singleton [UsableOrder MSL] #87

Closed jwaldmann closed 10 years ago

jwaldmann commented 10 years ago

several orders in sequence result in a proof tree with several nodes.

we alread compute intermediates for this.

  :: Trs t t1 t2
     -> GroupedTrs Symbol Symbol Label
     -> [(Map MSL Bool, TerminationOrder MSL)]
     -> [TaggedGroupedTrs Symbol Symbol Label]

At the top of the proof tree, semLab. Then, for each (usableOrder, labelledtrs) <- zip usableorders (intermediates ...), a redPairProc node (with UR). Then, for the end of the list, an unlabel node. Below this, the continuation of the proof (the invisible argument of toCpfProof).

abau commented 10 years ago

fixed by https://github.com/apunktbau/co4/commit/9d5c7fcccf5229d78e9bd28507b2022b3ccf31cc