Closed AllyPallies closed 5 years ago
I'm using a desktop entry like this without using a shell script
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Adblocked Spotify
GenericName=Music Player
Exec=env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/ spotify %U
I wish you good luck from Japan :)
I can understand that but I’m really looking for a auto run option for it to auto run on boot. No need to click anything.
/home/[username]/.config/autostart I think it will automatically start if you put it here
I have KDE and it’s not working. I’ve tried all I know of for it to work with no luck at all. I think this will be helpful
Yea I’ve read that and still doesn’t help the preload issue, I’ve also LS’d the file and it doesn’t exist either. I don’t understand but if you look at my original post you’ll see I’ve already done everything that site told you to do. So I’m a little confused why you posted a link without looking at what I’ve done already.
Does changing the permissions on the list of things you have done?
Yep. I’ve done all that also made it executable. Chmod the file as well. No luck.
There seems to be nothing I can do other than recommend Budgie Desktop. Sorry for not helping you.
I’ve also LS’d the file and it doesn’t exist
How did you install it?
is the correct path. Make sure you actually ran make install
(with eleveated privileges), not just make
(no local
!) instead, because that's where libraries that are managed by the package manager belong.I did a file lookup and the app couldn’t find it.
So you're saying the file is in neither of those locations? It seems the problem is a failed installation then, rather than a mistake in your autorun script.
Again, how exactly did you install it? Did you run the commands exactly as they are in the readme? Were there any error messages?
If I load the load command in a terminal it works perfectly as I’ve saod before In my first post. So therefor it’s installed correctly. Also installed via AUR pacman.
If I load the load command in a terminal it works perfectly as I’ve saod before In my first post
You didn't say that in your first post. You really just posted your one-liner script and stated that you're "having some issues" with it.
installed via AUR pacman
Then the file should be at /usr/lib/
, as I said above. Is it there? Does it work if you change the path in your script accordingly?
Negative, I’ve tried both ways without any luck at all. If I load it via the normal command in thermal is works flawlessly but my auto run script keeps failing. Also I’ve noticed once and a while adds are coming threw. How’s that possible?
If I load it via the normal command in thermal is works flawlessly I’ve noticed once and a while adds are coming threw
So it isn't actually working flawlessly?
How’s that possible?
It isn't. Again, did you verify that the file is actually there? Can you try reinstalling it both through the AUR and manually (as described in the readme), and check if the file exists after that?
For what it's worth, I just ran your script and it's working fine for me. The problem must be somewhere on your end.
Hi there im having some issues with my autorun script and wanted to see if you can give some pointers on whats going on or how to fix them?
Here is what i have so far
LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/ spotify any help would be wonderful thank you again for everything!