abbeycode / UnzipKit

An Objective-C zlib wrapper for compressing and decompressing ZIP files
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Add support for AES compression #110

Open SravanPeddi opened 2 years ago

SravanPeddi commented 2 years ago

Hi Team,

I want to read one file from zip(which has password) folder without unzip/exract it. I am using following snippet.

UZKArchive *archive = [[UZKArchive alloc] initWithPath:zipPath password:@"49445" error:&archiveError];
NSError *error = nil;
NSArray<NSString*> *filesInArchive = [archive listFilenames:&error];
NSLog(@"filesInArchive %@",filesInArchive);
for(UZKFileInfo *info in [archive listFileInfo:&error])
    NSLog(@"file name %@ Compressed size %lld UnCompressed size %lld",info.filename,info.compressedSize,info.uncompressedSize);

I have a file in zip folder named "complete_49445_ak_pc_6922/49445.json"

NSData *extractedData = [archive extractDataFromFile:@"complete_49445_ak_pc_6922/49445.json" error:&error];

here i extracted data is coming as null.

i would like to read one file content based on that file content i would like to extract files. How can we do that ?

i am able to get contents if zip is not having password. But I am facing issue if zip is having password only, though i have provided password for archive object.

Thanks, Sravan

abbeycode commented 2 years ago

If extractedData is coming out null, then error should be populated with an NSError object describing what's going wrong. Can you tell me what it says if you print it?

abbeycode commented 2 years ago

I'm still curious to see what is in the NSError, but I also have some unit tests that deal with passwords, which may help you figure out what's going wrong. I've linked to a couple of examples below.

SravanPeddi commented 2 years ago

I am getting following error

Error Domain=UZKErrorDomain Code=-103 "Bad zip file" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Bad zip file, NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Error opening archive (-103), NSURL=file:///Users/sravanpeddi/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/B8E1609D-21D9-4C9A-8FF7-01AE9FB49AC6/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/06C48480-CFBB-4E43-BB9A-B721313B384D/, NSLocalizedDescription=Bad zip file}

:: i am able to extract zip folder with given password in mac.

abbeycode commented 2 years ago

You're able to extract it using Archive Utility? Are you able to send me the file and password privately, so I can take a look? You can DM me on Twitter: @bbeyCode.

SravanPeddi commented 2 years ago Yes. i have attached sample project which has zip file. And password is 49467.

abbeycode commented 2 years ago

I was able to reproduce with the archive you included in your project, successfully unarchiving with other apps, and seeing the error you did with UnzipKit. I'm not yet sure what's going on, but will take a look.

abbeycode commented 2 years ago

What's causing your issue is that the archive you sent is using the AES compression method, which isn't supported yet. I've updated your issue to turn it into a feature request for supporting this compression method. In the meantime, I'm adding to the v2.0 branch a new error code (UZKErrorCodeAES) for this case, so at least it's not mysterious (once my PR passes validation).