abcfy2 / aria2-static-build

aria2 static build, support cross compile
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The default certificate can be removed when building #1

Closed yoran4096 closed 2 years ago

yoran4096 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for this ! Does it mean that all libraries are statically linked to run perfectly on Android? Or I need to rebuild the Android version with ndk? Snipaste_2021-11-02_17-57-06


abcfy2 commented 2 years ago




你的问题我试了下,Android我并未找到默认的ca证书链的存放路径,甚至动用了find命令在adb shell下执行,也并未发现类似的文件在哪,不确定是不是因为没有root权限很多系统目录无法访问导致的

你的问题专门查了下aria2的issue,还真有类似的: 就是--check-certificate这个参数有坑,它并不影响--ca-certificate选项,你还是得指定一个有效的ca证书链文件路径。如果你的Android系统找不到,可以直接从curl网站上直接下载一个现成的放进去,用--ca-certificate选项指向这个文件试试:


abcfy2 commented 2 years ago 发现aria2官方release已经有android构建了,也许你应该考虑直接用那个……

abcfy2 commented 2 years ago

@yoran4096 看了下aria2官方build的android,以及它的README,原来也没什么特殊的,只是android环境特殊而已,官方README全文如下:

aria2 for Android devices

aria2 is a lightweight multi-protocol & multi-source download utility
operated in command-line. It supports HTTP/HTTPS, FTP, BitTorrent and


aria2 is not an ordinary Android Java application. It is a C++ native
application and operates in command-line.  You don't have to 'root'
your device to use aria2.  Because aria2 is a command-line program,
you need a terminal emulator. First install Android Terminal Emulator
from Android Market (or build it from source and install. See

1. Copy aria2c executable to ``/mnt/sdcard`` on your device.
2. Run Android Terminal Emulator.
3. ``mkdir /data/data/jackpal.androidterm/aria2``
4. ``cat /mnt/sdcard/aria2c > /data/data/jackpal.androidterm/aria2/aria2c``
5. ``chmod 744 /data/data/jackpal.androidterm/aria2/aria2c``
6. Add the following commands to the initial command of Android
   Terminal Emulator::

       export HOME=/data/data/jackpal.androidterm/aria2; cd $HOME

7. Exit Android Terminal Emulator.
8. Run Android Terminal Emulator again.
9. See whether aria2c actually works by invoking ``./aria2c -v``

How to use

See `the online manual


aria2c executable was generated using android-ndk-r14b.

The following libraries were statically linked.

* openssl 1.1.1k
* expat 2.4.1
* zlib 1.2.11
* c-ares 1.17.2
* libssh2 1.9.0

Since Android does not have ``/etc/resolv.conf``, c-ares (asynchronous
DNS resolver) is disabled by default. But name resolution is sometimes
a little bit slow, so I recommend to enable c-ares. You can enable it
using ``--async-dns`` and specify DNS servers using
``--async-dns-server`` option, like this::

  --async-dns --async-dns-server=`getprop net.dns1`,`getprop net.dns2`

Additionally, the CA certificates shipped with Android don't locate in
the same place as those of normal Unix-like systems do, so this
workaround might be useful to securely download files via HTTPS::

   cat /etc/security/cacerts/* | aria2c --ca-certificate=/proc/self/fd/0 $@

Because it is tedious to type these long parameters every time you use
aria2c, the following wrapper shell script would be handy::

    cat /etc/security/cacerts/* | \
    /data/data/jackpal.androidterm/aria2c \
      --ca-certificate=/proc/self/fd/0 \
      --async-dns \
      --async-dns-server=`getprop net.dns1`,`getprop net.dns2` \

Please note that you need to add executable file mode bit to this
wrapper script too. (e.g., ``chmod 744 /PATH/TO/SCRIPT``)

Known Issues

* Since Android does not have ``/dev/stdout``, ``-l-`` does not work.
  ``/proc/self/fd/0`` is a workaround for Android.

* Android Terminal Emulator sometimes stops updating console. It looks
  like aria2c hangs, but aria2c continues to run.


$ cat /etc/security/cacerts/* | ./aria2c --async-dns-server= --ca-certificate=/proc/self/fd/0
11/04 03:10:13 [NOTICE] Downloading 1 item(s)

11/04 03:10:13 [NOTICE] File already exists. Renamed to /data/local/tmp/index.1.html.

11/04 03:10:13 [NOTICE] Download complete: /data/local/tmp/index.1.html

Download Results:
gid   |stat|avg speed  |path/URI
5bb594|OK  |    44KiB/s|/data/local/tmp/index.1.html

Status Legend:
(OK):download completed.

发现官方README的那个getprop net.dns1在我这边不输出任何内容,google了下发现android 8以上已经不通过这个方法暴露DNS了,所以只好自己指定了一个dns

abcfy2 commented 2 years ago


P.S: 有点好奇你是怎么找到这个项目的,这个项目在github上都没几个星,在google上也不怎么搜得到,搜aria2 static build其他项目都比我靠前,你是怎么找到这个项目的?

yoran4096 commented 2 years ago

我不是很懂c++,主要方向在desktop和web方向,基本都是前端,我想找个直接build好的二进制用于开发新的跨平台下载器以及手机下载器和web的netdisk,是刻意搜索的结果... 之前用rust直接lld musl build跨平台感觉挺好,正好看见这个,我最近也尝试build了多次,感觉cpp有点麻烦的,build check的时候我不知道哪些依赖可以不存在哪些必须存在我不是很清楚... 比较头疼...

yoran4096 commented 2 years ago

rust和go基本设置个linker就行了,build cpp的时候发现大部分lib都支持可替换依赖,check的时候有的依赖是no,有的缺少头文件,但是编译都能通过,不知道用不用处理这些check为no的依赖

abcfy2 commented 2 years ago


yoran4096 commented 2 years ago

原来是这样,那我就理解了... 官方的build的是arm64的,我开发机是x86_64 windows,模拟器的arm仿真有点靠不住,尤其是64位,我不想开发的时候连手机,而且开发完了还是要重新编译各个架构的二进制文件... 太感谢你的解答了,解了我的依赖疑惑....