abdallahdib / NextFace

A high-fidelity 3D face reconstruction library from monocular RGB image(s)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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No face was found in this image #49

Open kenmaxnejp opened 1 year ago

kenmaxnejp commented 1 year ago

Dear all, NextFace complained about cannot find any face in the image. I tried to save the image as jpg or png but it didn't work. I even tried to use your image in Github but without any luck. Sorry it looks like a stupid question but I just don't know how to solve it.

(faceNext) C:\Users\kenmax\NextFace>python optimizer.py --input c:\Users\kenmax --output c:\Users\kenmax\hikari loading optim config from: ./optimConfig.ini Loading Basel Face Model 2017 from ./baselMorphableModel/morphableModel-2017.pickle... loading mesh normals... loading uv parametrization... loading landmarks association file... creating sampler... INFO: Created TensorFlow Lite XNNPACK delegate for CPU. loading images from path: c:\Users\kenmax loading image from path: c:\Users\kenmax/hikari03.png [INFO] resizing input image to fit: 256 px resolution... detecting landmarks using: mediapipe Traceback (most recent call last): File "optimizer.py", line 491, in doStep3= doStep3) File "optimizer.py", line 420, in run self.setImage(imagePathOrDir, sharedIdentity) File "optimizer.py", line 128, in setImage landmarks = self.landmarksDetector.detect(self.inputImage.tensor) File "C:\Users\kenmax\NextFace\landmarksmediapipe.py", line 51, in detect land = self._detect((images[i].detach().cpu().numpy() * 255.0).astype('uint8')) File "C:\Users\kenmax\NextFace\landmarksmediapipe.py", line 71, in _detect raise RuntimeError('No face was found in this image') RuntimeError: No face was found in this image

(faceNext) C:\Users\kenmax\NextFace>

abdallahdib commented 1 year ago

that means that the face detector failed to detect a face in the image. in such case, nextface cannot run. u may want to try with other images

ggxxii commented 1 month ago

that means that the face detector failed to detect a face in the image. in such case, nextface cannot run. u may want to try with other images

I've tried your provided images, but encounter the same issue. I'm using Fan detection.