abdeladim-s / subsai

🎞️ Subtitles generation tool (Web-UI + CLI + Python package) powered by OpenAI's Whisper and its variants 🎞️
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Passing a filepath for models #40

Closed CopaceticMeatbag closed 1 year ago

CopaceticMeatbag commented 1 year ago

I'm trying to use the facebook m2m 1.2B model, but python can't download it in time before it times out and crashes the download. Is it possible to pass a filepath to a model I've already downloaded? It looks like it's possible in dl-translate, but I'm not sure how I'd access that model_or_path feature via the subsai options.

abdeladim-s commented 1 year ago

Hi @CopaceticMeatbag,

I think you can just pass the model path instead of the model name in the translate method.

Have you tried this and didn't work ?

CopaceticMeatbag commented 1 year ago

Thanks @abdeladim-s - I get an error: Unable to infer the model_family from "C:/Users/Administrator/m2m100_1.2B/". Try explicitly setting the value of model_family to "mbart50" or "m2m100"

The code I'm using is as below - I tried several variations on the path string with back/forward slash or raw string, no end slash, etc:

import os

from pathlib import Path

import pysubs2

from subsai import Tools

subtitles_file = 'V:\TestAutoSubs.srt'

subs = pysubs2.load(subtitles_file)

translation_model = 'C:/Users/Administrator/m2m100_1.2B/'

source_language = 'English'

target_language = 'Spanish'

format = 'srt'

translated_file = f"{subtitles_file}-{source_language}-{target_language}.{format}"

translated_subs = Tools.translate(subs, source_language=source_language, target_language=target_language, model=translation_model)


print(f"translated file saved to {translated_file}")
abdeladim-s commented 1 year ago

I think you will need to pass a Pytorch model : i.e something that ends with pth ! Where did you download the model ? from the code above, the translation_model var seems to be a folder!

CopaceticMeatbag commented 1 year ago

Ah, I thought we had to point to the whole directory! I downloaded from here: https://huggingface.co/facebook/m2m100_1.2B/tree/main

The script tries to download the pytorch_model.bin file (which is where it crashes), I also tried making the translation_model point to C:/Users/Administrator/m2m100_1.2B/pytorch_model.bin with the same results.

From what I can tell looking at dl-translate, it accepts a path to a directory containing the model files, but I think the integration into subsai bypasses this and uses the translate function directly. I'll have a bit more of a crack at figuring this out today!

edit: I'm looking at this snippet from dl-translate readme:

By default, dlt.TranslationModel will download the model from the huggingface repo for mbart50 or m2m100 and cache it. It's possible to load the model from a path or a model with a similar format, but you will need to specify the model_family:

mt = dlt.TranslationModel("/path/to/model/directory/", model_family="mbart50")
mt = dlt.TranslationModel("facebook/m2m100_1.2B", model_family="m2m100")
abdeladim-s commented 1 year ago

yeah basically it should work with the pytorch_model.bin file I have checked the dl-translate source code as well, and from what I can see you just need the model name or the path to a pretrained model, In subsai I just take the model var and pass it directly to that TranslationModel class, so it should be the same! There is also a create_translation_model which returns an instant of that class, you can use it in the translate method as well.

abdeladim-s commented 1 year ago

oh, so the model_family is not inferred automatically ? Please try the dl-translate snippet and let me know if it works ?

abdeladim-s commented 1 year ago

@CopaceticMeatbag I have added the model_family to the translate model, try to reinstall the latest commit and give it a try. Hope it will work now!

CopaceticMeatbag commented 1 year ago

You've only gone and bloody done it!! Nice work, all works perfectly :) thank you very much!