abdelaziz-mahdy / flutter_meedu_videoplayer

Cross-Platform Video Player for flutter
MIT License
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[Windows] mpv-dev-x86_64-20230807-git-140ec21.7z integrity check failed. #167

Closed coder-xb closed 10 months ago

coder-xb commented 10 months ago

As the title,I am developing a Windows desktop application with flutter_meedu_videoplayer: ^4.2.26,but when run flutter run windows -d,I have encountered the problem: WX20230821-153924@2x And,this my flutter doctor: WX20230821-154150@2x In addition, I have tried the following command more than once, but the problem still exists: flutter clean flutter pub cache clean flutter pub get flutter pub upgrade And, there is a empty project for windwos desktop with flutter_meedu_videoplayer: ^4.2.26 only,It also encounter this issue and cannot run properly: untitled.zip So, I need some helps!

abdelaziz-mahdy commented 10 months ago

media_kit disabled all of my packages, so for now

this is a work in progress, but i think it should work on all platforms only web is not supported for now

      url: https://github.com/zezo357/flutter_meedu_videoplayer
      ref: fvp
      path: ./package

let me know if you have a problem with it, for now it will use fvp in all platforms

coder-xb commented 10 months ago

Thanks, I have tried with it, but I have encountered the problem: WX20230821-170521@2x Then, I close the player and opening it again is played. That is to say, when using it to play videos, there is a gap between the above errors and the video screen appearing, that is: first play is error and then the second play video screen appearing, third is error and fourth is video screen appearing...And, the video screen may have a splash problem (The red line in the picture represents the overall area of the video): WX20230821-170947@2x

coder-xb commented 10 months ago

There is the screen recording for it:


abdelaziz-mahdy commented 10 months ago

Thanks, I have tried with it, but I have encountered the problem: WX20230821-170521@2x Then, I close the player and opening it again is played. That is to say, when using it to play videos, there is a gap between the above errors and the video screen appearing, that is: first play is error and then the second play video screen appearing, third is error and fourth is video screen appearing...And, the video screen may have a splash problem (The red line in the picture represents the overall area of the video): WX20230821-170947@2x

sadly i cant check it right now, but i think it may be related to fvp i will check it before releasing the new version

if you can provide the video you are testing with that will help greatly

abdelaziz-mahdy commented 10 months ago

does it happen using another videos too? or just this one?

macos didnt have any of those problems, so i want to make sure if its a problem with the video it self or windows view by fvp

coder-xb commented 10 months ago

Not just one video, all videos are like this:


There is two videos, and the problem is the same.

abdelaziz-mahdy commented 10 months ago

okay, will check it, thank you

coder-xb commented 10 months ago

But, I am waiting for the official version to be launched here. Is there any emergency solution or can the flutter_meedu_videoplayer previous version make the video play normally??

abdelaziz-mahdy commented 10 months ago

sadly media_kit disables the app if the package is found

but you can add in pubspec video_player_win: ^2.2.2 and after initMeeduPlayer

import 'package:video_player_win/video_player_win_plugin.dart';

if (!kIsWeb && Platform.isWindows) WindowsVideoPlayer.registerWith();

this will use another logic to render the video, maybe its better in your case

let me know if it works for you

coder-xb commented 10 months ago

Very unfortunate, I followed what you said add in pubspec video_player_win: ^2.2.2, and after initMeeduPlayer

import 'package:video_player_win/video_player_win_plugin.dart';
if (!kIsWeb && Platform.isWindows) WindowsVideoPlayer.registerWith();

It has encountered a new issue, causing the video to be unable to play and the screen to go blank: WX20230821-184148@2x Additionally, I have also tried use video_player_win: ^ 2.2.2 alone, The error content is consistent with the above.

So, I don't know what to do now.

abdelaziz-mahdy commented 10 months ago

well sadly you will have to wait for the release

and for the problem with the render i opened an issue for it in fvp hopefully it gets fixed https://github.com/wang-bin/fvp/issues/11

if you cant wait then i will have to say use media_kit directly since they even broke the wrapper i implemented

coder-xb commented 10 months ago

Enn... I am planning to use media_kit and its related plugins directly to try

abdelaziz-mahdy commented 10 months ago

Enn... I am planning to use media_kit and its related plugins directly to try

i hope the best for you, and if you need any help let me know

annd22 commented 10 months ago

same issue

coder-xb commented 10 months ago

Enn... I am planning to use media_kit and its related plugins directly to try

i hope the best for you, and if you need any help let me know

Okay, Thank you

abdelaziz-mahdy commented 10 months ago

same issue

media_kit disabled all of my packages, so for now

this is a work in progress, but i think it should work on all platforms only web is not supported for now

      url: https://github.com/zezo357/flutter_meedu_videoplayer
      ref: fvp
      path: ./package

let me know if you have a problem with it, for now it will use fvp in all platforms

and if that didnt work for your case sadly you will have to use media_kit directly or wait until i make a new release where i was able to fix the issues in the current logic

annd22 commented 10 months ago

I tried and it cannot find the Player from package:flutter_meedu_videoplayer/meedu_player.dart

abdelaziz-mahdy commented 10 months ago

what do you mean by player?

abdelaziz-mahdy commented 10 months ago

meedu_player doesnt have a "player" class

do you mean the media_kit one? if thats the case you will need to fully convert your code to use media_kit you cant import this package with media_kit (media_kit will close the app on launch)

annd22 commented 10 months ago

oh, thank you, I will find another solution.

annd22 commented 10 months ago

but can I have a final confirm.

abdelaziz-mahdy commented 10 months ago

but can I have a final confirm.

  • now flutter_meedu_videoplayer is not related to media_kit (and in the furure)? yes
  • these 2 lib cannot be used in 1 project? yes
  • is this effect on all platform? macos and ios work for now , but most probably wont on the long run
  • is there anyway that I can use an old version for now, which not have errors (maybe some dependencies override)? No, media_kit deleted all old versions to break any workaround using old versions
abdelaziz-mahdy commented 10 months ago

Not just one video, all videos are like this:

2023-08- There is two videos, and the problem is the same.

for this can you provide the logs ?

Logger.root.level = Level.ALL;
  Logger.root.onRecord.listen((record) {
    print('${record.loggerName}.${record.level.name}: ${record.time}: ${record.message}');

it will help us greatly

AnonymHK commented 10 months ago

same issue

media_kit disabled all of my packages, so for now

this is a work in progress, but i think it should work on all platforms only web is not supported for now

      url: https://github.com/zezo357/flutter_meedu_videoplayer
      ref: fvp
      path: ./package

let me know if you have a problem with it, for now it will use fvp in all platforms

and if that didnt work for your case sadly you will have to use media_kit directly or wait until i make a new release where i was able to fix the issues in the current logic

Can you confirm that the new version using fvp does not support web? If the new version does not support the web, I will have to give up "flutter_meedu_videoplayer" and look for a solution again!

abdelaziz-mahdy commented 10 months ago

It will support web, but the current fix will not

The release will support web like it always did

AnonymHK commented 10 months ago

Looking forward to your new version being released, I have been waiting for 12 hours in the discussion area because the old version is also unusable and I have to stop working!

abdelaziz-mahdy commented 10 months ago

Looking forward to your new version being released, I have been waiting for 12 hours in the discussion area because the old version is also unusable and I have to stop working!

Remind me did you try the fvp version I mentioned? Can you let me know what didnt work for you?

AnonymHK commented 10 months ago

I have tried... Unfortunately, I am not sure where the problem occurred. I cleaned the project and even reinstalled NDK, but the compilation still went wrong! The error prompt did not find the file, but I don't know how to solve it!

[√] Flutter (Channel stable, 3.13.0, on Microsoft Windows [版本 10.0.19044.1889], locale zh-CN) [√] Windows Version (Installed version of Windows is version 10 or higher) [√] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 34.0.0) [√] Chrome - develop for the web
[√] Visual Studio - develop Windows apps (Visual Studio Community 2022 17.4.5)
[√] Android Studio (version 2022.3)
[√] VS Code (version 1.70.0)
[√] Connected device (4 available) [√] Network resources

abdelaziz-mahdy commented 10 months ago

I have tried... Unfortunately, I am not sure where the problem occurred. I cleaned the project and even reinstalled NDK, but the compilation still went wrong! The error prompt did not find the file, but I don't know how to solve it!

  • What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':fvp:configureCMakeDebug'.

C/C++: C:\Pub\Cache\hosted\pub.flutter-io.cn\fvp-0.1.0\android\CMakeLists.txt debug|armeabi-v7a : CMake Error at C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Pub\Cache\hosted\pub.flutter-io.cn\fvp-0.1.0\android\CMakeLists.txt:67 (include): include could not find load file:


yes i got it i just opened pr in fvp for a similar error

abdelaziz-mahdy commented 10 months ago

please check new release

coder-xb commented 10 months ago

Okay,There is the logs of Exception: No Stream<VideoEvent> for textureId: -1: exception And,This is the logs of video can be played, but the screen is splash: splash_screen.txt

coder-xb commented 10 months ago

Okay,There is the logs of Exception: No Stream<VideoEvent> for textureId: -1: exception And,This is the logs of video can be played, but the screen is splash: splash_screen.txt

In the splash_screen.txt,I have made desensitization modifications to some path data

abdelaziz-mahdy commented 10 months ago

@coder-xb this is on the latest version? just to report to fvp the issue correctly

coder-xb commented 10 months ago

@zezo357 Yes, This is flutter_meedu_videoplayer fvp branch

abdelaziz-mahdy commented 10 months ago

@zezo357 Yes, This is flutter_meedu_videoplayer fvp branch

can you try on the release too?

coder-xb commented 10 months ago

@zezo357 Yes, This is flutter_meedu_videoplayer fvp branch

can you try on the release too?

Not yet. Currently, for emergency purposes, I am using media_kit directly.

abdelaziz-mahdy commented 10 months ago

@zezo357 Yes, This is flutter_meedu_videoplayer fvp branch

can you try on the release too?

Not yet. Currently, for emergency purposes, I am using media_kit directly.

its okay, thank you very much.

coder-xb commented 10 months ago

Have you released the new version?

abdelaziz-mahdy commented 10 months ago

Have you released the new version?

Yes I did yesterday

abdelaziz-mahdy commented 10 months ago


coder-xb commented 10 months ago

Okay, I will try and test it in future versions of my application.Thank you very much. :)

abdelaziz-mahdy commented 10 months ago

Okay, I will try and test it in future versions of my application.

If you did the migration, then I recommend you stick with it, since not all bugs or issues has been fixed yet,

It's working very good on Android/iOS/web/macos

Windows and Linux are not tested to make sure everything is good yet, it should work correctly but no promises here 😢

If you left the branch of using my package, then all is good try and let me know if you have any issues and I will try my best to solve it

coder-xb commented 10 months ago

Okay, I will try and test it in future versions of my application.

If you did the migration, then I recommend you stick with it, since not all bugs or issues has been fixed yet,

It's working very good on Android/iOS/web/macos

Windows and Linux are not tested to make sure everything is good yet, it should work correctly but no promises here 😢

If you left the branch of using my package, then all is good try and let me know if you have any issues and I will try my best to solve it

Okay,Thank you

annd22 commented 10 months ago

new release working on windows (if I remove the media_kit lib), but can I ask in future release, is there any change that I can use meedu with media_kit? (now Im using media_kit for audio player)

abdelaziz-mahdy commented 10 months ago

new release working on windows (if I remove the media_kit lib), but can I ask in future release, is there any change that I can use meedu with media_kit? (now Im using media_kit for audio player)

Sadly you would have to request that from media_kit since they are the ones who implemented the logic to terminate any connection between us and them