Open MeDenTec opened 1 month ago
Most probably it's a problem with the input sooo please give both your full prediction code for dart and Python
also does it have the same results on android and ios?
Hi @abdelaziz-mahdy, Thank you so much for your response.
This is how I am loading the model
String pathImageModel =
try {
_imageModel = await PytorchLite.loadClassificationModel(
pathImageModel, 224, 224, 5,
labelPath: "assets/labels/label_classification_imageNet.txt");
And this is this how I am making prediction in Dart, I also tried with default mean and std but results were similar.
textToShow = await _imageModel!.getImagePrediction(
await File(image.path).readAsBytes(),
mean: [0.485, 0.456, 0.406],
std: [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]);
textToShow = "${textToShow ?? ""}, ${inferenceTimeAsString(stopwatch)}";
Here you can also see the output of the prediction list, the first value is always higher hence always prediction first class in every image
[37.45313262939453, 20.606271743774414, 19.992067337036133, 9.70131778717041, 32.07078552246094, -79.898193359375, -94.40465545654297, -99.96098327636719, -95.91107940673828, -102.2623291015625, -94.18521881103516, -104.00025939941406, -97.89167022705078, -102.9541244506836, -101.01667785644531, -101.24066925048828, -103.78877258300781, -96.97942352294922, -94.73454284667969, -104.4057388305664, -98.69512939453125, -96.98098754882812, -95.92950439453125, -99.71725463867188, -36.406681060791016, -95.3742446899414, -93.91866302490234, -93.91046142578125, -97.62044525146484, -78.75592803955078, -96.0226821899414, -100.22040557861328, -108.44017791748047, -81.2840805053711, -96.94139862060547, -92.8824234008789, -102.83641815185547, -104.82340240478516, -91.39096069335938, -103.66374206542969, -104.43321990966797, -106.07219696044922, -106.11819458007812, -91.6676254272461, -99.1351089477539, -102.29850006103516, -99.13842010498047, -90.38143157958984, -106.93729400634766, -90.3895263671875, -93.90796661376953,
Below is the python code used for model loading and export
# Model innitialization
resnet = resnet50(weights=ResNet50_Weights.IMAGENET1K_V2)
num_ftrs = resnet.fc.in_features
resnet.fc.in_features = nn.Linear(num_ftrs, OUT_CLASSES)
model = deepcopy(resnet)
# Custom trained model loading
model_path ="models/pytorch_skin_types/best_Fitrzpack_withNorm_extraTransformations_Adam_epoch_22.pth"
best_model = model
# Export code used to optimize the model
from torch.utils.mobile_optimizer import optimize_for_mobile
best_model ='cpu')
example = torch.rand(1, 3, 224, 224)
traced_script_module = torch.jit.trace(best_model, example)
optimized_traced_model = optimize_for_mobile(traced_script_module)
Below is the prediction function used in python
label_index = {"Phototype_I_&_II": 0, "Phototype_III": 1, "Phototype_IV": 2, "Phototype_V": 3, "Phototype_VI": 4}
index_label = {0 :"Phototype_I_&_II", 1 : "Phototype_III", 2 : "Phototype_IV", 3 : "Phototype_V", 4 : "Phototype_VI"}
# Transformations
transform = transforms.Compose([transforms.ToPILImage(),
transforms.Resize((IMG_SIZE, IMG_SIZE)),
transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406],
std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225])
# prediction function
def predict(x):
img ="RGB")
img = transform(np.array(img))
print("shape of transformed image", img.shape)
img = img.view(1, 3, 224, 224)
print("shape of reshaped image", img.shape)
with torch.no_grad():
if torch.cuda.is_available():
img = img.cuda()
out = best_model(img)
return out.argmax(1).item()
If possible can you provide the model and a test image try it out and make sure whatever fix I do works
Sure , you can get the model and the training notebook in above drive folder.
Will check it out, I can't promise I will be able to figure it out or not but will try it
Yeah, sure Have you ever deployed ResNet50 using this library ? You can also share that if possible
Me no, but any classification model should work correctly, since it's just using pytorch
The only problem is the input has to be the same as the python one so same format RGB Same normalization Same image encoding I think too
So alot of input parameters to do
Also did you try the other preprocessing enum?
I just tried with Standard mean and Std dev of ImageNet which I also used for in python. I also tried what th default parameters, but it always predicts the first class
transform = transforms.Compose([transforms.ToPILImage(),
transforms.Resize((IMG_SIZE, IMG_SIZE)),
transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406],
std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225])
considering this python code for transformations, how would you suggest the prediction function to be called ?
Another concern is that my model is not converting into properly.
The transformation mentioned is the same as the one that package does
I don't know if not converting will hurt or not I only tested with converted models
ok so i went through both python code and dart code (i cant try it since i dont have the labels for the test images)
did you try using
List<double?>? predictionList = await _imageModel!.getImagePredictionList(
await File(image.path).readAsBytes(),
preProcessingMethod: PreProcessingMethod.imageLib
List<double?>? predictionList = await _imageModel!.getImagePredictionList(
await File(image.path).readAsBytes(),
preProcessingMethod: PreProcessingMethod.native
did both give the same results? since from i am currently seeing everything should work correctly
also can you load the model file in python and try it to make sure the downloaded model is correct?
Yes, the model works well in python. I have checked it multiple times.I have also provided the code and model in the above link. you can also check. labels are also there
The test images i provided is random. you just need to check if its predicting anything other than the first class.
I don't know the correct label for them, so that will not help😅
I skipped the optimized_traced_model = optimize_for_mobile(traced_script_module) line and it worked somehow.
I also wanted to know how can we run YOLOv8 classification models using Flutter pytorch lite library. I tried with the same torchscript method used for YOLOv8 object detection but it doesn't worked out.
I am glad that your model worked, I was stuck not figuring out why it was failing to work
Sorry for not being to help
For yolov8 did you create it using the yolo command provided in the readme?
Thanks a lot for your help, I used this code, but its not supported
model.export(format="", imgsz = 320, optimize = True)
Dont know how we can run YOLOv8 classifiation models
What do you mean by not supported? It doesn't work? And if there is an error please share it
There was an error in model loading in Flutter. May be we need to convert YOLO classification model differently than object detection model. I used the code below which is obviously for YOLOv8 object detection but the conversion method for YOLOv8 classification model is not explicitly mentioned in the Readme.
!yolo mode=export model="your model" format=torchscript optimize
did you try model.export(format="torchscript", imgsz = 320, optimize = True)
@MeDenTec did you try the above export? if yes and it works please let me know to close this issue
model.export(format="torchscript", imgsz = 320, optimize = True)
Yes, I tried the similar export method, but it didn't worked. I thinks its only for Object detection models not YOLO image classification models. Don't know how can I run yolo image classification models.
It's in the official docs of yolov8 so this weird
What didn't work exactly? What were the errors ?
Please provide as much info as possible since I can't fix something I don't know 😅
I am trying to deploy my ResNet-50 custom trained classification model using pytorch lite library. The model works well on python but giving false predictions on Flutter, always giving high probs for the first class.
I optimized my model using this code provided in the Readme
I don't know the exact reason but may this is due to the transformation I have to apply to my images during prediction or something else. I have also provided the transformation code below.
I am also sharing the code I use to predict the model in python
Please help me getting out of this situation @abdelaziz-mahdy