abdolence / sbt-gcs-resolver

SBT plugin for Google Cloud Storage (GCS) and Google Artifact Registry with Coursier support
Apache License 2.0
28 stars 7 forks source link

Proposal: Refactor GCS Functionality for Reusability Across Build Tools #76

Open karolchmist opened 2 months ago

karolchmist commented 2 months ago

Hello @abdolence !

Thank you for creating and maintaining this project.

We had a similar need for the Mill build tool (to download artifacts stored in GCS). I developed a quick and dirty Mill plugin, inspired by your code, and it worked well.

I believe it would be possible to refactor your project slightly to extract the pure "GCS" functionality from the SBT-specific parts, making it reusable for other build tools.

What do you think? I'd be happy to work on a solution if you haven't already considered this.

abdolence commented 2 months ago

Hey, I didn't expect to see people still using Mill to be honest. It is not that even easy to find anyone that use sbt nowadays :D

I have no objection to split the plugin into 2 modules:

I'd happily accept the PR if you want to give a try :)