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The Effective Influenza Treatment #1

Open abdotanjawi opened 9 years ago

abdotanjawi commented 9 years ago

The Effective Influenza Treatment The influenza treatment for the relief of flu is more efficient in the use of herbal remedies homeopathic / herbal anything. For the past 32 years in practice, I have seen again and again, constantly.

There is nothing more miserable than the flu fever, cough, symptoms of stomach pain. With adequate resources, I saw these symptoms disappear within an hour ... Sometimes within minutes.

Homoeopathy is a natural system of medicine based on the philosophy that "like cures like. Use vegetable sources, minerals and animals for use of extreme dilutions. Most remedies, when taken absolutely no substance remains in the original ... Just the energy from them. So no need to worry about background contamination.

In the case of the 1918 influenza pandemic, most of the surviving patients were homeopathic. Those who use conventional medical treatments for the treatment of influenza, have experienced a mortality rate of 30%.

With homeopathic remedies for influenza treatment , mortality was less than 1% and many physicians in a cure rate of 100% of all of its thousands of patients. According to a physician, Dry. Frank Wielded to Chicago .. "With 8,000 workers we had only one death. We used no aspirin and no vaccines. (Homeopathic) Selenium was practically the only remedy used."

Selenium was the favorite remedy for flu and some use and Byronic. The following tips come from an author of electronic books .. "Prevention homeopathic / herbal and cures"

Here are some remedies to have on hand throughout the flu season.

Ferrule Poss. 30C This is the remedy to start taking it as soon as you feel a slight sensation of falling ill. You know, that feeling of "scratch" on the back of the throat or dryness in the nose and throat. While still slightly warm or Achy is an indication that you should start this remedy.

Selenium 30C was swine flu cure for high flu and still very interesting to use. The patient is in need of heat, asshole, stupid, very cold and feel strong and weak.

This remedy Nux vomica seem to be more in line with the symptoms of swine flu. Swine flu brings more respiratory symptoms such as cough flu, sore throat and very plush nose. These patients tend to be very irritable and pain.

Eupatorium Perf 30C One of my favorites to have around ... This remedy is that "pain as if you were hit by a bus feeling. Pain deep bone fracture, so that patients do not know where to go .

These are some of the essential medicines. Also consider taking vitamin D3..At least 3 to 5,000 IU per day. Even patients who live in the south, the tests showed lower than is healthy levels. In the winter season, it is one of the easiest ways to boost your immune system and prevent infections of all kinds of ways.

Dry. Deborah Baker has been a practitioner of alternative medicine for over 32 years. His home site is Y2K Health and Detox solutions and medicine herbal and homeopathic alternative for many health problems like mercury detoxification, osteoporosis, signs and symptoms of liver disease and more.

abdotanjawi commented 9 years ago

See more at: http://more1best-treatment.blogspot.com/2014/11/the-effective-influenza-treatment.html#sthash.qwBYyLDF.dpuf