Closed dkori closed 4 years ago
I think you can resolve this by wrapping destination_param in urllib.parse.quote to specify safe characters. You also need to pass the "safe=';,'" argument to urlencode in the build_url utility.
for destination_param in intermediate_destinations:
count += 1
data[str.format('destination{0}', count)] = urllib.parse.quote(destination_param,safe=';,')
Hi @dkori thanks for raising a possible issue. I guess you tried find_sequence
function, I just tried and it works as expected. I can also see that you have some missing parameter which is required modes: List[RouteMode]
. If you can give me some more details I could help you.
Yes that's correct, I was using the find_sequence function. When I enter the following, I get an error:
start = 'Start;43.422,-75.9201'
end = 'End;43.422,-75.9201'
intermediate_destinations = ['dest1;43.46929,-75.92747','dest2;43.45939,-75.89347']
departure = '2020-08-30T17:00:00+02'
mode = ['fastest;pedestrian']
response = herepy.FleetTelematicsApi()
test = response.find_sequence(start = start,
departure = departure,
intermediate_destinations = intermediate_destinations,
end = end,
modes = mode)
However, using the following, it returns a url that results in a correct API response (when I swap in the key correctly):
base_url = ''
data_test = {'apiKey':'key',
'destination1': 'dest1;43.46929,-75.92747',
'destination2': 'dest2;43.45939,-75.89347',
url = base_url+'?'+urlencode(data_test,safe=";,")
Below you can find a working code snippet
import herepy
fleetTelematicsApi = herepy.FleetTelematicsApi(api_key='api_key')
start = str.format('{0};{1},{2}', 'WiesbadenCentralStation', 50.0715, 8.2434)
intermediate_destinations = [str.format('{0};{1},{2}', 'FranfurtCentralStation', 50.1073, 8.6647),
str.format('{0};{1},{2}', 'DarmstadtCentralStation', 49.8728, 8.6326),
str.format('{0};{1},{2}', 'FrankfurtAirport', 50.0505, 8.5698)]
end = str.format('{0};{1},{2}', 'MainzCentralStation', 50.0021, 8.259)
modes = [herepy.RouteMode.fastest,, herepy.RouteMode.traffic_enabled]
response = fleetTelematicsApi.find_sequence(start=start,
I get the same error when running your working snippet:
HEREError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-123-091953ea1f7b> in <module>
10 intermediate_destinations=intermediate_destinations,
11 end=end,
---> 12 modes=modes)
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/herepy/ in find_sequence(self, start, departure, intermediate_destinations, end, modes)
135 end=end,
136 modes=modes)
--> 137 response = self.__get(self._base_url + 'findsequence.json', data, WaypointSequenceResponse)
138 return response
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/herepy/ in __get(self, base_url, data, response_cls)
103 return response_cls.new_from_jsondict(json_data)
104 else:
--> 105 raise error_from_fleet_telematics_service_error(json_data)
HEREError: Error occured on __get
These are the versions of packages I have installed:
herepy_version: 3.0.1
requests_version: 2.24.0
Any ideas?
I hope you set your API key for the request, sorry but I don't know what exactly you are trying so it is hard for me to help you.
Sorry yes, to clarify, I ran the code snippet you posted exactly as you posted it except I replaced 'api_key' with my api key. I know that my api_key is working because I was able to successfully run API calls with it manually outside of Herepy.
Do you have any advice for debugging? I still think part of the issue is the encoding of the url using urlib, but I am not sure why the code snippet you posted works on your machine but not mine.
I found a work-around for my purposes, but I can keep the issue open in case others run into it as well.
Yes that's correct, I was using the find_sequence function. When I enter the following, I get an error:
start = 'Start;43.422,-75.9201' end = 'End;43.422,-75.9201' intermediate_destinations = ['dest1;43.46929,-75.92747','dest2;43.45939,-75.89347'] departure = '2020-08-30T17:00:00+02' mode = ['fastest;pedestrian'] response = herepy.FleetTelematicsApi() test = response.find_sequence(start = start, departure = departure, intermediate_destinations = intermediate_destinations, end = end, modes = mode)
However, using the following, it returns a url that results in a correct API response (when I swap in the key correctly):
base_url = '' data_test = {'apiKey':'key', 'start':'Start;43.422,-75.9201', 'destination1': 'dest1;43.46929,-75.92747', 'destination2': 'dest2;43.45939,-75.89347', 'end':'End;43.422,-75.9201', 'mode':'fastest;pedestrian'} url = base_url+'?'+urlencode(data_test,safe=";,") url
@dkori I checked your parameters today one more time and I realised you were passing wrong parameters for modes
. herepy needs a list of RouteMode
enum not strings.
def find_sequence(
start: str,
departure: str,
intermediate_destinations: List[str],
end: str,
modes: List[RouteMode],
) -> Optional[WaypointSequenceResponse]:
and your mode parameter
mode = ['fastest;pedestrian']
Please try again and let me know.
Closing because of inactivity.
I was not getting a response with the FleetTelematicsAPI function, so I tried to manually recreate it. It appears that my API call was breaking because urlencode was replacing semicolons and commas in the api call.
base_url = ''
data_test = {'apiKey':'key', 'start':'Start;43.422,-75.9201', 'destination1': 'dest1;43.46929,-75.92747', 'destination2': 'dest2;43.45939,-75.89347'}
url = herepy.Utils.build_url(base_url,extra_params=data_test)
Will return: ''