abdullahtarek / tennis_analysis

This project analyzes Tennis players in a video to measure their speed, ball shot speed and number of shots. This project will detect players and the tennis ball using YOLO and also utilizes CNNs to extract court keypoints. This hands on project is perfect for polishing your machine learning, and computer vision skills.
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Items undefined for tennis_courts_keypoints_training.ipynb #2

Closed kinfungchan closed 3 months ago

kinfungchan commented 3 months ago

Hi, Love the YouTube Channel. When Creating the Torch Data Set, there seems to be a bug when creating the np.array for the Keys with kps. In particular kps = np.array(items['kps']).flatten() in the getitem(self, idx) method. Thanks!

Tennisee-data commented 3 months ago

hello, just take the s out of items as item is defined not items...