abduskhazi / PL-Binding-Affinity-Prediction-using-ML

This repository is maintained for the documentation and coding of the MSc project @ Bioinformatics Lab Uni-Freiburg.
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Investigate manually selected descriptors of ligands #4

Open abduskhazi opened 2 years ago

abduskhazi commented 2 years ago

Investe manually selected 121 of the ligand descriptors. Continue to use all of the protein descriptors.


abduskhazi commented 2 years ago

priority 1

abduskhazi commented 2 years ago

Hi All, I completed the implementation of manual feature selection. With this I am getting the following outputs -

These results are less accurate as compared to the models using all the features.

For running this you need to call the following function to get the data

import data_bakery as bakery
X, y, features = bakery.bake_train_Xy_manual_feature_selection()

Regards, Abdus Salam Khazi