abdyfranco / macos-ifttt-control

Cloud-Based IFTTT Task Automation Service for macOS.
MIT License
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Wipe application data #10

Open Payam-Fz opened 5 years ago

Payam-Fz commented 5 years ago

Dear developer,

I have just installed the final version of macOS IFTTT Control program and I have a problem with . When I was asked to give the URL of the mac hash file in dropbox, I copied the URL of the whole folder and now the Mac Hash is empty inside application. I tried reinstalling the app but it wouldn't bring me the first page (in which I had to enter the URL). Also, it wouldn't create the hash file again. I am stuck in the first place.

Would you please provide me a way to clear the applications data or maybe add a feature to your program to prevent such problems for users.

Thank you for your awesome program.

cocoproxy commented 5 years ago

I also made this mistake. Tried deleting everything in my Library related to macOS IFTTT Control but I'm still unable to change the URL I originally entered.

wabiloo commented 4 years ago

I have the same problem. Here's what the app (1.1.5) looks like: no hash, no file on the desktop, no place to copy any URL into... Screenshot 2019-08-21 at 10 06 08

cargaralo commented 4 years ago

Same problem here, at least would be great to know how to reset the application

paulmrobson1986 commented 4 years ago

I have the same problem, I shared the folder instead of the file, had to format the Mac and reinstall the app, I have now done the installation correctly but still have no Mac hash??? what am I doing wrong?

move app into application folder, create a folder in dropbox root named macOSIFTTTControl, drop the file created on desktop into it and share the link with app on setup.


hoangtuan21193 commented 4 years ago

I found that if you delete follow file in /Users/YOURUSERNAME/, it will let you setting again but after that, it still not work, no hash, no file on the desktop. .mic_config.json .mic_triggers_control.json

iknowzo commented 4 years ago

I'm having the same issue. Hash was not created despite following the instructions for setup.

ufrik commented 4 years ago

Hope you have better luck than me:

cd rm .mic_config.json .mic_triggers_control.json rm -rf "./Library/Saved Application State/com.electron.macos-ifttt-control.savedState" rm -rf "./Library/Application Support/co.abdyfran.macosiftttcontrol" rm -rf "./Library/LaunchAgents/co.abdyfran.macosiftttcontrol.plist"

Then reopen MacosiftttControl

It will ask for the URL again but it doesn't create the Mac Hash. I've also tried with version 1.1.4 with no luck.

cbartondock commented 4 years ago

Exact same issue as described above. Crazy that you can't just redo the linking process

cbartondock commented 4 years ago

@ufrik my luck was precisely as bad as yours. Frustrating!

abdyfranco commented 4 years ago

Apparently the application it's broken on new macOS versions (I'm still using an older one, thats why I never noticed the issues myself), I'm investigating and testing on different versions.

cbartondock commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your work!

cbartondock commented 4 years ago

I looked into it a bit - I thought at first it was a permissions issue that the application could no longer read from ~/.mic_config.json but that isn't the case... It absolutely has config.hash. It seems like maybe jquery is having a problem updating the UI?

cbartondock commented 4 years ago

edit: nothing in document.ready is being called, or at least I can't log it

epsilonplus commented 4 years ago

thanks for this, same issue - (no hash generated on install)

ragasonoito commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your work guys, same problem here!

Booza1981 commented 4 years ago

Same problem. Rushed into installing without reading docs and put in folder link rather than the file. Now I can't seem to reset or wipe the app properly to correct the error.

Shirley636 commented 4 years ago

I tried using CleanMyMac to uninstall v1.5 and deleting anything left behind, but I can't do a clean install of the control program to enter the correct share URL. Every time I launch the installer it just opens the program as if it is already installed. I have no way of changing the file URL.

alfienero commented 4 years ago

Same issue here. I copied by mistake the folder and not the file link in the app and cannot change even deleting some file and reinstalling all over again

JohnLockeNJ commented 4 years ago

Same issue on Mojave. I copied the folder link instead of the app and can't fix it by reinstalling.

beautyfree commented 4 years ago

cd rm .mic_config.json .mic_triggers_control.json rm -rf "./Library/Saved Application State/com.electron.macos-ifttt-control.savedState" rm -rf "./Library/Application Support/co.abdyfran.macosiftttcontrol" rm -rf "./Library/LaunchAgents/co.abdyfran.macosiftttcontrol.plist"

Resolved my problem