Closed MattBidewell closed 7 years ago
Atom Verson 1.18.0-Beta. Language is css. Project is a brand new project but also happening on existing projects of varying file sizes.
Confirmed on clean Atom 1.18.0-beta
env ATOM_HOME=$(mktemp -d) atom-beta --foreground $(mktemp -d)
's show a colorpigments:reload
finds 1 pathpigments:find colors
actually finds and displays the colorExpected #abcdef
to get a slightly blue'ish background color.
html {
background-color: #abcdef;
Pigments: 0.39.1
Atom: 1.80.0-beta
OS: Linux 4.10.13-1-ARCH x86_64 GNU/Linux
$ atom-beta --version
Atom : 1.18.0-beta0
Electron: 1.3.15
Chrome : 52.0.2743.82
Node : 6.5.0
$ apm-beta --version
apm 1.18.1
npm 3.10.10
node 6.9.5 x64
python 3.6.1
git 2.13.0
"atom": "1.18.0-beta0",
"pigments": "0.39.1",
"platform": "linux",
"config": {
"traverseIntoSymlinkDirectories": false,
"sourceNames": [
"ignoredNames": [
"ignoredBufferNames": [],
"extendedSearchNames": [
"supportedFiletypes": [
"filetypesForColorWords": [
"ignoredScopes": [],
"autocompleteScopes": [
"extendAutocompleteToVariables": false,
"extendAutocompleteToColorValue": false,
"autocompleteSuggestionsFromValue": false,
"maxDecorationsInGutter": 100,
"markerType": "native-background",
"sassShadeAndTintImplementation": "compass",
"sortPaletteColors": "none",
"groupPaletteColors": "none",
"mergeColorDuplicates": false,
"delayBeforeScan": 500,
"ignoreVcsIgnoredPaths": true,
"notifyReloads": true,
"dismissableReloadNotifications": true
"project": {
"config": {},
"paths": [
"variables": {
"colors": 0,
"total": 0
It also happens in macOS, on a LESS file.
This bug is fixed in Atom 1.18.0-beta1
What OS are you running, how big is the project, what language is that project/file written in? It would be nice if you could share some more information with us