These are the colors I have found is not working.
Showing colors are in the bracket:
{ $title-color: #1f202a;
$desc-color: #716c80;
$theme-color: #5146ae;
$primary-color: #7560eb;
$a-theme-color: #ff7c43;
$a-primary-color: #25a6e4;
$v-theme-color: #f84d4c;
$v-primary-color: #f13a88;
$h-theme-color: #095ab8;
$h-primary-color: #16064f;
$h-primary-colors: #5261eb;
$s-theme-color: #671fa7;
$s-primary-color: #ff9200;
$border-color: #ececec;
$white-color: #fff;
$ash-color: #f4f9fd;
$f2-color: #f2f2f2;
$text-bg: #484661;
This has been fixed in the master branch, but I'm just a simple contributor and can't publish this package to apm. Please try pulling directly from git with apm install abe33/atom-pigments
These are the colors I have found is not working. Showing colors are in the bracket: { $title-color: #1f202a; $desc-color: #716c80; $theme-color: #5146ae; $primary-color: #7560eb; $a-theme-color: #ff7c43; $a-primary-color: #25a6e4; $v-theme-color: #f84d4c; $v-primary-color: #f13a88; $h-theme-color: #095ab8; $h-primary-color: #16064f; $h-primary-colors: #5261eb; $s-theme-color: #671fa7; $s-primary-color: #ff9200; $border-color: #ececec; $white-color: #fff; $ash-color: #f4f9fd; $f2-color: #f2f2f2; $overlay:rgba(0,0,0,0.5); $dark-color:#f0f1f3; $text-bg: #484661;
// social-media color $facebook: #3b5998; } $twitter: #55acee; $linkedin: #007bb5; $pinterest: #007bb5; $skype: #2fb7df; $youtube: #cd201f; $google: #dd4b39; $camera: #e4405f; $instagram: #e4405f; $tumblr: #34465d; $behance: #1769ff; $star: #e9ba17; $green: #0be881; $green-h: #0fbcf9; $red: #f53b57; $yellow: #dec32b; $nell: #212fb4; $navy: #d8e0f3; $plaseholder: #888;