abe33 / atom-pigments

An Atom package to display colors in project and files.
MIT License
521 stars 68 forks source link

It doesn't show all the colors in marker type dot, underline and gutter. #438

Open mnuah opened 4 years ago

mnuah commented 4 years ago

These are the colors I have found is not working. Showing colors are in the bracket: { $title-color: #1f202a; $desc-color: #716c80; $theme-color: #5146ae; $primary-color: #7560eb; $a-theme-color: #ff7c43; $a-primary-color: #25a6e4; $v-theme-color: #f84d4c; $v-primary-color: #f13a88; $h-theme-color: #095ab8; $h-primary-color: #16064f; $h-primary-colors: #5261eb; $s-theme-color: #671fa7; $s-primary-color: #ff9200; $border-color: #ececec; $white-color: #fff; $ash-color: #f4f9fd; $f2-color: #f2f2f2; $overlay:rgba(0,0,0,0.5); $dark-color:#f0f1f3; $text-bg: #484661;

// social-media color $facebook: #3b5998; } $twitter: #55acee; $linkedin: #007bb5; $pinterest: #007bb5; $skype: #2fb7df; $youtube: #cd201f; $google: #dd4b39; $camera: #e4405f; $instagram: #e4405f; $tumblr: #34465d; $behance: #1769ff; $star: #e9ba17; $green: #0be881; $green-h: #0fbcf9; $red: #f53b57; $yellow: #dec32b; $nell: #212fb4; $navy: #d8e0f3; $plaseholder: #888;

vprigent commented 4 years ago

linked to https://github.com/abe33/atom-pigments/issues/369

Cxarli commented 4 years ago

This has been fixed in the master branch, but I'm just a simple contributor and can't publish this package to apm. Please try pulling directly from git with apm install abe33/atom-pigments