abedra / libvault

A C++ library for Hashicorp Vault
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The “X-Vault-Token” header is exposed for requests that don't require it #114

Closed bsbontchev closed 1 year ago

bsbontchev commented 1 year ago

Issue: The status, init, seal, and unseal requests expose the “X-Vault-Token” header even though they don't require it. If the token value is empty the request is not made and no error is reported. Environment: curl 7.61.1, libvault-0.52.0, Vault v1.8.2

The empty token does not produce any request: Vault::Host host(""); Vault::Port port("8220"); Vault::Config config = Vault::ConfigBuilder().withHost(host).withPort(port).withTlsEnabled(false).withDebug(true).build(); Vault::Token token(""); Vault::TokenStrategy auth(token); Vault::Client root_client(config, auth, httpErrorCallback, responseErrorCallback); Vault::Sys system(root_client); auto response = system.sealStatus(); if ( response ) { std::cout << "response : " << response.value() << std::endl; }

The non empty token exposes the token in the request: Vault::Host host(""); Vault::Port port("8220"); Vault::Config config = Vault::ConfigBuilder().withHost(host).withPort(port).withTlsEnabled(false).withDebug(true).build(); Vault::Token token("dummy"); Vault::TokenStrategy auth(token); Vault::Client root_client(config, auth, httpErrorCallback, responseErrorCallback); Vault::Sys system(root_client); auto response = system.sealStatus(); if ( response ) { std::cout << "response : " << response.value() << std::endl; }

< HTTP/1.1 200 OK < Cache-Control: no-store < Content-Type: application/json < Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2023 12:49:43 GMT < Content-Length: 167 <

The vault app status, init, seal and unseal commands don’t require/expose the “X-Vault-Token” header.

vault status -output-curl-string curl -H "X-Vault-Request: true" -H "X-Vault-Namespace: "

vault operator init -output-curl-string curl -X PUT -H "X-Vault-Request: true" -d '{"secret_shares":5,"secret_threshold":3,"stored_shares":0,"pgp_keys":null,"recovery_shares":5,"recovery_threshold":3,"recovery_pgp_keys":null,"root_token_pgp_key":""}'

vault operator seal -output-curl-string curl -X PUT -H "X-Vault-Request: true"

vault operator unseal -output-curl-string dummy curl -X PUT -H "X-Vault-Request: true" -d '{"key":"dummy","reset":false,"migrate":false}'

abedra commented 1 year ago

A couple notes after looking through the docs

bsbontchev commented 1 year ago

You are correct. The docs https://developer.hashicorp.com/vault/api-docs/system/seal do show it as an authenticated point. The init initializes the vault so no tokens exist prior to this.

abedra commented 1 year ago

This should all be sorted in https://github.com/abedra/libvault/releases/tag/0.55.0. Thank you for reporting