abeiro / HerikaServer

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Spanish special characters removed #18

Open sadsa opened 1 month ago

sadsa commented 1 month ago

I'm currently playing in Spanish using 11 Labs TSS, Azure STT and OpenAI. However, the text responses I get back from OpenAI have the special characters (e.g. the diaeresis (ü), the tilde (ñ), and the acute accent (é, á, í, ó, and ú)) stripped from the response. So when TTS reads the text it pronounces things strangely. Is there any way to fix this behaviour? It seems like it's something that Herika Server is doing when parsing the text.

abeiro commented 2 weeks ago

As i see you're a boludo developer, go to https://github.com/abeiro/HerikaServer/blob/d4e078d75d3df7a0d491a4c97bf4279467ce9d3e/lib/chat_helper_functions.php#L84 in your installation and change that. However ñ should be working.

sadsa commented 2 weeks ago

I wasn't expecting an answer like that boludo!