abeltje / Test-Smoke

The Perl5 Core Smoke framework
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Ensure that entire content of smokecurrent.log is written to logs/smo… #43

Open jkeenan opened 6 years ago

jkeenan commented 6 years ago


For: https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=126010

In smoke-test configurations that only post reports via HTTP::Tiny (but perhaps in some or all other configurations as well), there were repeated observations that the content of smokecurrent.log was not entirely copied to logs/smokecurrent/log${SHA}.log. The content would be truncated near the end of the file. (When verbosity level 2 was requested, this truncation would often appear in the middle of a line.) smokecurrent.log is overwritten with each subsequent smoke-test run, so if it is not archived correctly we lack an accurate permanent record of what happened in a given smoke-test run.

Analysis eventually showed that the source of the problem was that the copying of smokecurrent.log was being done while smokecurrent.log was still being written to by tssmokeperl.pl (as called from within smokecurrent.sh). So it was likely that some of the STDOUT and/or STDERR being redirected as tssmokeperl.pl was running was still buffered in memory and not yet written to disk. Hence, the copying of smokecurrent.log for archiving purposes was being done prematurely.

The general outline of the solution is as follows:

  1. Modify Test::Smoke::Archiver so it is no longer responsible for archiving smokecurrent.log.

  2. When invoked by smokecurrent.sh, continue to have all of tssmokeperl.pl's STDOUT and STDERR redirected to smokecurrent.log.

  3. Once tssmokeper.pl has completed, have smokecurrent.sh invoke a new program, tsarchivelog.pl, which composes a basename for logs/smokecurrent/log${SHA}.log and then copies smokecurrent.sh to that file. tsarchivelog.pl then appends one record to logs/smokecurrent/log${SHA}.log indicating that smokecurrent.log has been copied successfully.

This commit implements the solution above. The source code files significantly modified include Makefile.PL, bin/configsmoke.pl, bin/tsarchivelog.pl (new), and lib/Test/Smoke/Archiver.pm.

This commit does not attempt to implement any Windows-specific functionality, nor has it been tested on Windows, nor does it attempt to investigate whether there are any problems in the bin/*.pl programs other than those mentioned above.

In the course of work on this issue, one new test file, t/app/101-archiver.t, has been added, along with dummy copy files used by that test. Certain housekeeping corrections were made to .gitignore and MANIFEST.SKIP and 'make manifest' regenerated the MANIFEST. Because the author had to install Test-Smoke in the course of working on this problem, $Test::Smoke::VERSION was implemented, though the maintainers may take a different approach.