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bibitem labels in tate (縦書) mode #50

Closed otyu closed 3 years ago

otyu commented 5 years ago

When using labels for bibliographic items, those are not displayed in vertical mode.





\bibitem[仏辞]{butsu} 中村元(著) 『広説佛教語大辞典縮刷版』 東京書籍 2010年
\bibitem[漢林]{gorin} 『新漢語林』第二版 大修館書店
\bibitem[AS64]{as} M.~{Abramowitz} and I.~A. {Stegun},
 \textsl{ Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs,
  and Mathematical Tables},
  Applied mathematics series, United States Department of Commerce,
  National Bureau of Standards, 1964.

The result (cropped) is the following.


Maybe it would be better if the labels (and brackets) could be displayed vertically.

(Thank you very much for your time.)

abenori commented 5 years ago

Thank you. I agree with you. I'll fix it later.

abenori commented 5 years ago

Sorry for my late work. I remember that I changed the labels as in the example at some point, but I forgot why I did it. I reverted it to the original LaTeX style ( e3ad7c9 ). It might cause another problem. Please let me know if something happens, or you find a better way.

otyu commented 3 years ago

Dear maintainer, I am very sorry for my late answer.

Thank you for your work. I have been using the project since the commit and it has been working wonders!

Also, I did not know I could close the issue, so I will do so now.

(Again, thank you very much for your time.)