abenori / jlreq

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PDF in Tate mode, text order is incorrect #82

Closed asnahu closed 3 years ago

asnahu commented 3 years ago

text ordering is not like in yoko mode. how to solve this problem? thanks!

abenori commented 3 years ago

It seems fine with my computer. Could you tell me the issue more?

asnahu commented 3 years ago

`% !TEX ts-program = LuaLatex % !TEX encoding = UTF-8

\documentclass[ lualatex, a6paper, book, tate, 12pt, ]{jlreq} \usepackage{luatexja-fontspec} \usepackage{luaotfload} \usepackage[right=.3in, left=.3in, top=.3in, bottom=.3in]{geometry} \parindent=2em \setmainjfont { KozMinPr6N-Medium }



\end{document} `

this is the test code.

abenori commented 3 years ago

I commented out \setmainjfont { KozMinPr6N-Medium } because I do not have the font. It again seems fine.

asnahu commented 3 years ago

I commented out \setmainjfont { KozMinPr6N-Medium } because I do not have the font. It again seems fine.


I removed \setmainjfont from code, still got the problem.

lualatex version in my computer is: This is LuaTeX, Version 1.10.0 (TeX Live 2019).

abenori commented 3 years ago

Mine is This is LuaHBTeX, Version 1.12.0 (TeX Live 2020/W32TeX)

I'm doubting that it depends on the viewer. Can you check this with Acrobat Reader?

asnahu commented 3 years ago

Found the core of the problem now. It comes from pdf viewer. thanks!