abenteuerzeit / viva-la-carte

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Add a remove food item method to MealPlanGenerator #51

Open abenteuerzeit opened 1 year ago

abenteuerzeit commented 1 year ago

Take a Food object as an input and remove it from the list of foods in the meal plan. This method could be called whenever a food item is rejected by the algorithm, and it could also be used to adjust the meal plan if the nutritional requirements change or the individual's preferences change.

public class MealPlanGenerator
    // Other class members...

    // Method for removing a food item from the meal plan
    public void RemoveFood(MealPlan mealPlan, Food foodItem)
        // Check if the food item is in the meal plan
        if (mealPlan.FoodList.Contains(foodItem))
            // Remove the food item from the meal plan

            // Update the nutrient values of the meal plan
            foreach (var nutrient in mealPlan.NutrientList)
                nutrient.CurrentQuantity -= foodItem.GetMacronutrientDictionary()[nutrient.Name];

    // Other class methods...

The RemoveFood method receives the meal plan and the food item to be removed as parameters, and checks if the food item is in the meal plan. If it is, the method removes the food item from the FoodList property of the meal plan, and updates the CurrentQuantity values of the Nutrient objects in the NutrientList property to reflect the change.

You can use the RemoveFood method in your user interface to allow users to remove food items from the meal plan. You can also add additional logic to the method, such as checking if the meal plan still meets the nutrient requirements after the food item is removed, or adding the removed food item to a list of rejected food items. These additional features can improve the user experience and the functionality of the meal plan generator.

public class MealPlanGenerator
    // Other class members...

    // Method for selecting a food item from the list of top 100 foods
    public Food SelectFood(MealPlan mealPlan)
        // Select a random food item from the list of top 100 foods
        var foodItem = top100Foods[random.Next(0, 100)];

        // Check if the selected food item matches the criteria for the nutrient in question
        if (!IsAcceptable(mealPlan, foodItem))
            // Remove the food item from the meal plan if it causes the meal plan to be rejected
            RemoveFood(mealPlan, foodItem);

            // Increment the iterator

            // Select the next food item in the list of top 100 foods
            foodItem = top100Foods[random.Next(0, 100)];

        // Return the selected food item
        return foodItem;

    // Other class methods...

In this example, the SelectFood method first selects a random food item from the list of top 100 foods. It then checks if the selected food item matches the criteria for the nutrient in question using the IsAcceptable method. If the food item does not match the criteria, the method removes it from the meal plan using the RemoveFood method, increments the iterator, and selects the next food item in the list of top 100 foods. This updated version of the SelectFood method ensures that food items that cause the meal plan to be rejected are removed from the meal plan and not considered in future iterations.

You can use this updated version of the SelectFood method in your implementation of the MealPlanGenerator class to remove food items that cause the meal plan to be rejected. Keep in mind that this change may affect the performance of the algorithm, as it will require additional calculations and data manipulation. You may want to consider other approaches, such as using a search algorithm to find the optimal combination of foods that meet the nutritional requirements, to improve the performance of the meal plan generator.