abenz1267 / walker

Application launcher similar to Rofi etc. . Wayland native.
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Please update HomeManager module to support the new theming #90

Closed Luk45135 closed 1 month ago

Luk45135 commented 1 month ago

error: getting status of '/nix/store/3nm8qlg1zjbp91wmqdjb1db3nzn3irlc-source/ui/themes/style.default.css': No such file or directory HomeManager module tries to read style.default.css which doesn't exist anymore. Thanks

abenz1267 commented 1 month ago


Luk45135 commented 1 month ago
error: attribute 'style' missing
┃        at /nix/store/pf9ja9q8k8kdf8krihnhsmzrpx85pkfm-source/nix/hm-module.nix:39:39:
┃            38|       "walker/config.json".text = mkIf (cfg.config != {}) (builtins.toJSON cfg.config);
┃            39|       "walker/style.css".text = mkIf (cfg.style != {}) cfg.style;
┃              |                                       ^
┃            40|     };
AlxTray commented 1 month ago

In regards to this, is there a way of Walker picking up the old config.json and style.css under .config/walker or is it now better to just define the config and style files under themes directory through home manager manually? As now my walker is defaulting to the catppuccin theme not how I have it setup in home manager.

abenz1267 commented 1 month ago

You have to define the layout and css in the themes directory, yes. themes/yourtheme.<ext> and themes/yourtheme.css. Then just set "theme": "yourtheme" in your config.

AlxTray commented 1 month ago

Is it possible for the style option line in the hm_module.nix file to be removed, as style.css in the root config directory does nothing now right? As its currently a catch 22 of it saying style option does not exist but then when you omit it it looks for the default style and then fails because of that.

abenz1267 commented 1 month ago


reminder: i don't really maintain the Nix stuff as i'm not familiar with Nix. Usually people do PRs for those things...

AlxTray commented 1 month ago

Ah sorry, thought you were maintaining the Nix stuff as only found this recently

diniamo commented 1 month ago

92 should have everything that's missing, please test

Luk45135 commented 1 month ago

So it "works" now, but (maybe a me problem) the themes are wonky on my machine. 2024-08-06T00:19:55,769115632+02:00 2024-08-06T00:18:43,758389152+02:00 also maybe unrelated, but sudo systemctl list-unit-files | grep walker returns nothing even though runAsService is set to true. might be stupid don't quite know how these services work

abenz1267 commented 1 month ago

That's because Walker doesn't exist in a vacuum and by nature it's using your systems GTK theme. The styling you apply in Walker just overrides that.

I'm actually thinking about just hard resetting everything, so something like in your screenshot won't happen. Not sure yet.

Closing this, since the issue is solved.

abenz1267 commented 1 month ago

default styles should work better now.

diniamo commented 1 month ago

@Luk45135 it doesn't return anything because it's a user service

Luk45135 commented 1 month ago

@diniamo Thanks for the clarification i'm still learning this rabbit hole that is nix. As for the gtk theming, i can understand that in the kanagawa theme that everything is dark because i forced it, but i don't understand the apparent light theme with catppuccin.

qt = {
    enable = true;
    platformTheme.name = "adwaita";
    style = {
      name = "adwaita-dark";
      # package = pkgs.adwaita-qt;
  gtk = {
    enable = true;
    font = {
      name = "Noto";
      size = 12;
    theme = {
      package = pkgs.adw-gtk3;
      name = "adw-gtk3";
    iconTheme = {
      package = pkgs.papirus-icon-theme;
      name = "Papirus";
    gtk3.extraConfig = {
    gtk4.extraConfig = {


  dconf.settings = {
    "org/gnome/desktop/interface" = {
      color-scheme = "prefer-dark";

Thanks for your work!

abenz1267 commented 1 month ago

Walker doesn't differentiate between your systems dark/light theme. With the latest version your system theme should be ignored/reset for Walker completely, so only the styles you set are... set.

Luk45135 commented 1 month ago

@abenz1267 Thanks, works like a charm, finally ready to switch to walker from rofi.