aberant / osc-ruby

Open Sound Control Library for Ruby
MIT License
94 stars 16 forks source link

Typo causes exception #17

Open shock opened 3 years ago

shock commented 3 years ago

Greetings and thanks for this lib. Please check the following line for a typo.


mesg should be message

/Users/guest/.rbenv/versions/2.7.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/osc-ruby-1.1.4/lib/osc-ruby/server.rb:61:in `block in dispatch_message': undefined local variable or method `mesg' for #<OSC::Server:0x00007f9aa113a0e0> (NameError)
Did you mean?  message

The server still seems to work in my test app after the exception, but obviously something isn't going according to plan. See my code below. This only happens when the sleep is there, which I don't need, but I thought you'd want to know. Cheers.

EventMachine.run do
  server = Server.new $PORT

  puts "OSC server started on port #{$PORT}"

  server.add_method /.*/ do |message|       # this will match any address
    p "/.*/:       #{message.ip_address}:#{message.ip_port} -- #{message.address} -- #{message.to_a} }"

  server.add_method %r{foo/.*} do |message| # this will match any /foo node
    p "%r{foo/.*}: #{message.ip_address}:#{message.ip_port} -- #{message.address} -- #{message.to_a} }"

  server.add_method "/foo/bar" do |message| # this will just match /foo/bar address
    p "'/foo/bar': #{message.ip_address}:#{message.ip_port} -- #{message.address} -- #{message.to_a} }"

  server.add_method "/exit" do |message|    # this will just match /exit address

  Thread.new do

  sleep 1
  # hit Control + C to stop
  Signal.trap("INT")  { server.stop }
  Signal.trap("TERM") { server.stop }

  client = Client.new 'localhost', 8001
  client.send( OSC::Message.new( "/greeting" , "hullo!" ))

  client.send Message.new('/foo/bar', 1, 1.2, 'a string')
  client.send Message.new('/foo/bar/zar', 1, 1.2, 'a string')
  # client.send Bundle.new(Time.now + 2, Message.new('/exit'))

aberant commented 3 years ago

woof, that's embarrassing. thanks for taking the time to report this. I'll try to find some free time in the near future to fix this and push a new gem

aberant commented 1 month ago

Should be fixed in 1.1.5. Let me know.