aberant / osc-ruby

Open Sound Control Library for Ruby
MIT License
94 stars 16 forks source link

updated gem? #5

Closed jamezilla closed 11 years ago

jamezilla commented 12 years ago

Hey, just a gentle request to push out an update to this gem. I was trying to use the new ip_address info in the message, and wasted a bit of time trying to figure out why it was throwing an exception... only to find that those bits were missing from the rubygems version of the gem. :P I've pulled it from github for the time being, so it's low priority. Thanks!

aberant commented 12 years ago

ugh, sorry for your frustration. i'm obviously overdue for it... i'll try to carve out some time this weekend to get that done

jamezilla commented 12 years ago

Can I make a suggestion? Switch to bundler for gem packaging. I only suggest it because without a gemspec in the repository, you can't point bundler directly to github for the latest bits (well... you can, but not as easily) :

gem "osc-ruby", :git => "git://github.com/aberant/osc-ruby.git"

If you like, I'd be happy to set this up and send you a pull request. It's a pretty minor change, but maybe not compatible with your workflow.

Refs: http://gembundler.com/v1.2/bundle_gem.html http://gembundler.com/git.html

aberant commented 12 years ago

yeah.. that's a great suggestion. not including a gemspec was a poor decision on my part. i've learned since and it will be included in the next release.

aberant commented 12 years ago

i've pushed an updated gem to rubygems.org as well as created a gemspec file. please let me know if you have any issues with it.