abesto / ams2-career

The Unlicense
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Generate car and track list from game files #43

Open abesto opened 2 years ago

abesto commented 2 years ago

I've spent about an hour spelunking in the game files, and failed to find where the list of user-readable track + car names live.

We'd have to generate the lists "manually", and still ship data with the app as we currently do.

abesto commented 2 years ago

Progress! https://github.com/abesto/ams2-career/commit/308199a1af1400fa286e8329e280f24d28148e67 adds the rudiments for reading car and track data from game files. We'll need to massage this data a whole bit to fit into our vision of a career. For reference (at the mild risk of a copyright boo-boo):

There's a lot here to digest and make sense of, but at least we now have access to the data.

abesto commented 2 years ago

Capturing a few things that stand out, and ideas without really considering which ones are actually worth working on.

Both cars and tracks



I feel like we're getting into territory where input from Reiza would make our lives significantly easier, and by the way, mining game files and hosting that data is kind of a gray area, so I'll likely send off a mail / message to them about those two things.