abesto / ams2-career

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Closed formula for grade-up XP breakpoints #56

Closed abesto closed 2 years ago

abesto commented 2 years ago

The XP needed to "level up" is currently manually defined for each discipline (in xp_grade_breakpoints.csv). This is somewhat susceptible to human error each time we tweak things, and adds another thing we need to consider when new content is added. It'd be great if, instead, we had a way to define these breakpoints with a formula that takes simple inputs.

It would definitely need to take as input some "difficulty" measure of the discipline (i.e. a linear function). There's a chance this is the same (or at least closely related to) the "prestige" multiplier, currently stored in xp_prestige.csv. Or maybe, we want / need a second degree component (i.e. x + y*y).

abesto commented 2 years ago

Eh, I feel like this is probably not a good use of time, actually. #50 seems like a better thing to focus on, wrt. progression.