Closed cornpo closed 7 months ago
Interestingly, I am using Nvidia RTX 4090, and I've got the exact same error during inference!! How can this be possible?!
I've create a brand new venv to reproduce this bug:
Linux 5.4.0-174-generic #193-Ubuntu SMP Thu Mar 7 14:29:28 UTC 2024 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Python 3.12.2
cmake version 3.29.2
nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver
Copyright (c) 2005-2024 NVIDIA Corporation
Built on Tue_Feb_27_16:19:38_PST_2024
Cuda compilation tools, release 12.4, V12.4.99
Build cuda_12.4.r12.4/compiler.33961263_0
g++ (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0
pip 24.0 from /mnt/data/llama-cpp/.venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pip (python 3.12)
Then I use CMAKE_ARGS="-DLLAMA_CUDA=on" pip install llama-cpp-python --verbose --upgrade --force-reinstall --no-cache-dir
to install the package.
Then, I try to run this
from llama_cpp import Llama
llm = Llama(
n_gpu_layers=33, # Uncomment to use GPU acceleration
# seed=1337, # Uncomment to set a specific seed
# n_ctx=2048, # Uncomment to increase the context window
output = llm(
"Q: Name the planets in the solar system? A: ", # Prompt
max_tokens=32, # Generate up to 32 tokens, set to None to generate up to the end of the context window
stop=["Q:", "\n"], # Stop generating just before the model would generate a new question
echo=True # Echo the prompt back in the output
) # Generate a completion, can also call create_completion
"id": "cmpl-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"object": "text_completion",
"created": 1679561337,
"model": "./models/7B/llama-model.gguf",
"choices": [
"text": "Q: Name the planets in the solar system? A: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.",
"index": 0,
"logprobs": None,
"finish_reason": "stop"
"usage": {
"prompt_tokens": 14,
"completion_tokens": 28,
"total_tokens": 42
The output is:
$ python
llama_model_loader: loaded meta data with 22 key-value pairs and 291 tensors from ./Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct.Q4_0.gguf (version GGUF V3 (latest))
llama_model_loader: Dumping metadata keys/values. Note: KV overrides do not apply in this output.
llama_model_loader: - kv 0: general.architecture str = llama
llama_model_loader: - kv 1: str = .
llama_model_loader: - kv 2: llama.vocab_size u32 = 128256
llama_model_loader: - kv 3: llama.context_length u32 = 8192
llama_model_loader: - kv 4: llama.embedding_length u32 = 4096
llama_model_loader: - kv 5: llama.block_count u32 = 32
llama_model_loader: - kv 6: llama.feed_forward_length u32 = 14336
llama_model_loader: - kv 7: llama.rope.dimension_count u32 = 128
llama_model_loader: - kv 8: llama.attention.head_count u32 = 32
llama_model_loader: - kv 9: llama.attention.head_count_kv u32 = 8
llama_model_loader: - kv 10: llama.attention.layer_norm_rms_epsilon f32 = 0.000010
llama_model_loader: - kv 11: llama.rope.freq_base f32 = 500000.000000
llama_model_loader: - kv 12: general.file_type u32 = 2
llama_model_loader: - kv 13: tokenizer.ggml.model str = gpt2
llama_model_loader: - kv 14: tokenizer.ggml.tokens arr[str,128256] = ["!", "\"", "#", "$", "%", "&", "'", ...
llama_model_loader: - kv 15: tokenizer.ggml.scores arr[f32,128256] = [0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.0000...
llama_model_loader: - kv 16: tokenizer.ggml.token_type arr[i32,128256] = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, ...
llama_model_loader: - kv 17: tokenizer.ggml.merges arr[str,280147] = ["Ġ Ġ", "Ġ ĠĠĠ", "ĠĠ ĠĠ", "...
llama_model_loader: - kv 18: tokenizer.ggml.bos_token_id u32 = 128000
llama_model_loader: - kv 19: tokenizer.ggml.eos_token_id u32 = 128009
llama_model_loader: - kv 20: tokenizer.chat_template str = {% set loop_messages = messages %}{% ...
llama_model_loader: - kv 21: general.quantization_version u32 = 2
llama_model_loader: - type f32: 65 tensors
llama_model_loader: - type q4_0: 225 tensors
llama_model_loader: - type q6_K: 1 tensors
llm_load_vocab: special tokens definition check successful ( 256/128256 ).
llm_load_print_meta: format = GGUF V3 (latest)
llm_load_print_meta: arch = llama
llm_load_print_meta: vocab type = BPE
llm_load_print_meta: n_vocab = 128256
llm_load_print_meta: n_merges = 280147
llm_load_print_meta: n_ctx_train = 8192
llm_load_print_meta: n_embd = 4096
llm_load_print_meta: n_head = 32
llm_load_print_meta: n_head_kv = 8
llm_load_print_meta: n_layer = 32
llm_load_print_meta: n_rot = 128
llm_load_print_meta: n_embd_head_k = 128
llm_load_print_meta: n_embd_head_v = 128
llm_load_print_meta: n_gqa = 4
llm_load_print_meta: n_embd_k_gqa = 1024
llm_load_print_meta: n_embd_v_gqa = 1024
llm_load_print_meta: f_norm_eps = 0.0e+00
llm_load_print_meta: f_norm_rms_eps = 1.0e-05
llm_load_print_meta: f_clamp_kqv = 0.0e+00
llm_load_print_meta: f_max_alibi_bias = 0.0e+00
llm_load_print_meta: f_logit_scale = 0.0e+00
llm_load_print_meta: n_ff = 14336
llm_load_print_meta: n_expert = 0
llm_load_print_meta: n_expert_used = 0
llm_load_print_meta: causal attn = 1
llm_load_print_meta: pooling type = 0
llm_load_print_meta: rope type = 0
llm_load_print_meta: rope scaling = linear
llm_load_print_meta: freq_base_train = 500000.0
llm_load_print_meta: freq_scale_train = 1
llm_load_print_meta: n_yarn_orig_ctx = 8192
llm_load_print_meta: rope_finetuned = unknown
llm_load_print_meta: ssm_d_conv = 0
llm_load_print_meta: ssm_d_inner = 0
llm_load_print_meta: ssm_d_state = 0
llm_load_print_meta: ssm_dt_rank = 0
llm_load_print_meta: model type = 8B
llm_load_print_meta: model ftype = Q4_0
llm_load_print_meta: model params = 8.03 B
llm_load_print_meta: model size = 4.33 GiB (4.64 BPW)
llm_load_print_meta: = .
llm_load_print_meta: BOS token = 128000 '<|begin_of_text|>'
llm_load_print_meta: EOS token = 128009 '<|eot_id|>'
llm_load_print_meta: LF token = 128 'Ä'
llm_load_print_meta: EOT token = 128009 '<|eot_id|>'
ggml_cuda_init: GGML_CUDA_FORCE_MMQ: no
ggml_cuda_init: CUDA_USE_TENSOR_CORES: yes
ggml_cuda_init: found 1 CUDA devices:
Device 0: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090, compute capability 8.9, VMM: yes
llm_load_tensors: ggml ctx size = 0.30 MiB
llm_load_tensors: offloading 32 repeating layers to GPU
llm_load_tensors: offloading non-repeating layers to GPU
llm_load_tensors: offloaded 33/33 layers to GPU
llm_load_tensors: CPU buffer size = 281.81 MiB
llm_load_tensors: CUDA0 buffer size = 4155.99 MiB
llama_new_context_with_model: n_ctx = 512
llama_new_context_with_model: n_batch = 512
llama_new_context_with_model: n_ubatch = 512
llama_new_context_with_model: freq_base = 500000.0
llama_new_context_with_model: freq_scale = 1
llama_kv_cache_init: CUDA0 KV buffer size = 64.00 MiB
llama_new_context_with_model: KV self size = 64.00 MiB, K (f16): 32.00 MiB, V (f16): 32.00 MiB
llama_new_context_with_model: CUDA_Host output buffer size = 0.49 MiB
llama_new_context_with_model: CUDA0 compute buffer size = 258.50 MiB
llama_new_context_with_model: CUDA_Host compute buffer size = 9.01 MiB
llama_new_context_with_model: graph nodes = 1030
llama_new_context_with_model: graph splits = 2
AVX = 1 | AVX_VNNI = 0 | AVX2 = 1 | AVX512 = 1 | AVX512_VBMI = 1 | AVX512_VNNI = 1 | FMA = 1 | NEON = 0 | ARM_FMA = 0 | F16C = 1 | FP16_VA = 0 | WASM_SIMD = 0 | BLAS = 1 | SSE3 = 1 | SSSE3 = 1 | VSX = 0 | MATMUL_INT8 = 0 |
Model metadata: {'tokenizer.chat_template': "{% set loop_messages = messages %}{% for message in loop_messages %}{% set content = '<|start_header_id|>' + message['role'] + '<|end_header_id|>\n\n'+ message['content'] | trim + '<|eot_id|>' %}{% if loop.index0 == 0 %}{% set content = bos_token + content %}{% endif %}{{ content }}{% endfor %}{{ '<|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>\n\n' }}", 'tokenizer.ggml.eos_token_id': '128009', 'general.quantization_version': '2', 'tokenizer.ggml.model': 'gpt2', 'general.architecture': 'llama', 'llama.rope.freq_base': '500000.000000', 'llama.context_length': '8192', '': '.', 'llama.vocab_size': '128256', 'general.file_type': '2', 'llama.embedding_length': '4096', 'llama.feed_forward_length': '14336', 'llama.attention.layer_norm_rms_epsilon': '0.000010', 'llama.rope.dimension_count': '128', 'tokenizer.ggml.bos_token_id': '128000', 'llama.attention.head_count': '32', 'llama.block_count': '32', 'llama.attention.head_count_kv': '8'}
Using gguf chat template: {% set loop_messages = messages %}{% for message in loop_messages %}{% set content = '<|start_header_id|>' + message['role'] + '<|end_header_id|>
'+ message['content'] | trim + '<|eot_id|>' %}{% if loop.index0 == 0 %}{% set content = bos_token + content %}{% endif %}{{ content }}{% endfor %}{{ '<|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
' }}
Using chat eos_token: <|eot_id|>
Using chat bos_token: <|begin_of_text|>
ggml_cuda_compute_forward: RMS_NORM failed
CUDA error: the provided PTX was compiled with an unsupported toolchain.
current device: 0, in function ggml_cuda_compute_forward at /tmp/pip-install-wv_l248n/llama-cpp-python_e49c125fab774529ad1747e86406ecc9/vendor/llama.cpp/
GGML_ASSERT: /tmp/pip-install-wv_l248n/llama-cpp-python_e49c125fab774529ad1747e86406ecc9/vendor/llama.cpp/ !"CUDA error"
Aborted (core dumped)
I tried other models, all same error.
I thought it was an upstream issue, however, also strangely, I can compile and run llama.cpp
perfectly. So I have to report here. Thanks.
Maybe you can try scikit-builder 0.9.0 as in
This didn't solve my issue however.
Edit. As of 0.2.64 c50d3300 from source (with submodules pulled properly) gives "ggml_cuda_init: failed to initialize CUDA: no CUDA-capable device is detected." And I have BLAS=1in the output as well. Very odd.
Did you find a solution to this?
I have the same issue with inference on 4090 GPUs.
ROCm 6
Expected Behavior
Attempting to utitilize llama_cpp_python in OobaBooga Webui
Current Behavior
It loads the model into VRAM. Then upon trying to infer;
gml_cuda_compute_forward: GET_ROWS failed CUDA error: invalid device function current device: 0, in function ggml_cuda_compute_forward at /tmp/pip-install-7xdln0go/llama-cpp-python_0bc0f935a20b4d68b0bf4ef217f92000/vendor/llama.cpp/ err GGML_ASSERT: /tmp/pip-install-7xdln0go/llama-cpp-python_0bc0f935a20b4d68b0bf4ef217f92000/vendor/llama.cpp/ !"CUDA error"
And I notice in the output tensorcores=true.
I have the latest llama.cpp compiled and running with no problems. It also says tensorcores=true in it's output.
Environment and Context
Python 3.11 venv. Manjaro. Torch for ROCm 6.0
$ lscpu
Architecture: x86_64 CPU op-mode(s): 32-bit, 64-bit Address sizes: 43 bits physical, 48 bits virtual Byte Order: Little Endian CPU(s): 16 On-line CPU(s) list: 0-15 Vendor ID: AuthenticAMD Model name: AMD Ryzen 7 3800X 8-Core Processor CPU family: 23 Model: 113 Thread(s) per core: 2 Core(s) per socket: 8 Socket(s): 1 Stepping: 0 Frequency boost: enabled CPU(s) scaling MHz: 48% CPU max MHz: 4558.8862 CPU min MHz: 2200.0000 BogoMIPS: 7803.32 Flags: fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush mmx fxsr sse sse2 ht syscall nx mmxext fxsr_opt pdpe1gb rdtscp lm constant_tsc rep_good nopl nonstop_tsc cpuid extd_apicid aperfmperf rapl pni pclmulqdq monitor ssse3 fma cx16 sse4_1 sse4_2 movbe popcnt aes xsave avx f16c rdrand lahf_lm cmp_legacy svm extapic cr8_legacy abm sse4a misalignsse 3dnowprefetch osvw ibs skinit wdt tce topoext perfctr_core perf ctr_nb bpext perfctr_llc mwaitx cpb cat_l3 cdp_l3 hw_pstate ssbd mba ibpb stibp vmmcall fsgsbase bmi1 avx2 sm ep bmi2 cqm rdt_a rdseed adx smap clflushopt clwb sha_ni xsaveopt xsavec xgetbv1 cqm_llc cqm_occup_llc cqm_mb m_total cqm_mbm_local clzero irperf xsaveerptr rdpru wbnoinvd arat npt lbrv svm_lock nrip_save tsc_scale vmcb _clean flushbyasid decodeassists pausefilter pfthreshold avic v_vmsave_vmload vgif v_spec_ctrl umip rdpid ove rflow_recov succor smca sev sev_es Virtualization features:
Virtualization: AMD-V Caches (sum of all):
L1d: 256 KiB (8 instances) L1i: 256 KiB (8 instances) L2: 4 MiB (8 instances) L3: 32 MiB (2 instances) NUMA:
NUMA node(s): 1 NUMA node0 CPU(s): 0-15 Vulnerabilities:
Gather data sampling: Not affected Itlb multihit: Not affected L1tf: Not affected Mds: Not affected Meltdown: Not affected Mmio stale data: Not affected Reg file data sampling: Not affected Retbleed: Mitigation; untrained return thunk; SMT enabled with STIBP protection Spec rstack overflow: Mitigation; Safe RET Spec store bypass: Mitigation; Speculative Store Bypass disabled via prctl Spectre v1: Mitigation; usercopy/swapgs barriers and __user pointer sanitization Spectre v2: Mitigation; Retpolines; IBPB conditional; STIBP always-on; RSB filling; PBRSB-eIBRS Not affected; BHI Not aff ected Srbds: Not affected Tsx async abort: Not affected
$ uname -a
6.6.26-1-MANJARO #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Wed Apr 10 20:11:08 UTC 2024 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Failure Information (for bugs)
Please help provide information about the failure if this is a bug. If it is not a bug, please remove the rest of this template.
Steps to Reproduce
Please provide detailed steps for reproducing the issue. We are not sitting in front of your screen, so the more detail the better.
step Install with "CC=/opt/rocm/llvm/bin/clang CXX=/opt/rocm/llvm/bin/clang++ HSA_OVERRIDE_GFX_VERSION=10.3.0 CMAKE_ARGS="-DLLAMA_HIPBLAS=on" pip install llama-cpp-python --no-cache-dir --force-reinstall --no-cache"
Fire up OobaBooga, load a model, and (core dumped).
Note: Many issues seem to be regarding functional or performance issues / differences with
. In these cases we need to confirm that you're comparing against the version ofllama.cpp
that was built with your python package, and which parameters you're passing to the context.Try the following:
git clone
cd llama-cpp-python
rm -rf _skbuild/
# delete any old buildspython -m pip install .
cd ./vendor/llama.cpp
with the same arguments you previously passed to llama-cpp-python and see if you can reproduce the issue. If you can, log an issue with llama.cppFailure Logs
Please include any relevant log snippets or files. If it works under one configuration but not under another, please provide logs for both configurations and their corresponding outputs so it is easy to see where behavior changes.
Also, please try to avoid using screenshots if at all possible. Instead, copy/paste the console output and use Github's markdown to cleanly format your logs for easy readability.
Example environment info:
llama-cpp-python$ python3 --version Python 3.11.9
llama-cpp-python$ pip list | egrep "uvicorn|fastapi|sse-starlette|numpy" fastapi 0.110.2 numpy 1.26.4 sse-starlette 1.6.5 uvicorn 0.29.0
Same result if llama_cpp_python installed from cloned git by pip.