abforce / xposed_art_n

ART module for a built-in enabled Xposed firmware based on AOSP 7
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How to handle the third step #19

Closed xiaoleservice closed 7 years ago

xiaoleservice commented 7 years ago

The third step is "Create a prebuilt module that copies XposedBridge.jar to system/framework, or manually copy it and run make snod to include it in the system.img." and I'm confused that how to do it. I skip this step and when I flashed the ROM, there is no XposedBridge.jar in System/framework and no xposed.prop in System. I manually copy the xposed.prop and XposedBridge.jar to the System and then it worked. I wonder that how to perfect it so that everything can be done after the completion of the ROM flash.

aviraxp commented 7 years ago

You can push them in vendors and use Makefile to copy it, just like other vendor files.

xiaoleservice commented 7 years ago

@aviraxp oh, thanks and I think that will be worked, but is there any other solution?

djfeng commented 7 years ago

excuse me ,yes or no xp for MIUI android 7.0 ?

abforce commented 7 years ago

@xiaoleservice Create a directory in prebuilts/misc/common called XposedBridge and copy XposedBridge.jar to it. Then create an Android.mk with the following content:

LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)

LOCAL_MODULE := XposedBridge
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := XposedBridge.jar


And as the last step, edit build/target/product/base.mk and add XpsoedBridge to PRODUCT_PACKAGES variable.

This way, when you run make at the root of AOSP, make system automatically includes that XposedBridge.jar to system/framework. That's it.

xiaoleservice commented 7 years ago

@abforce I see. I did that yesterday, but I haven't tried to recompile it. By the way, will the xposed.prop be in the System directory after this?

abforce commented 7 years ago

No, to copy xposed.prob to the final image, you can add it to PROCUDT_COPY_FILES.

xiaoleservice commented 7 years ago

@abforce Got it, Thanks.👍