abhaga22 / CS2340

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M2: Setup (Version Control) #1

Open jjeon49 opened 7 years ago

jjeon49 commented 7 years ago

Setup Git on your machine with the desired client (git for command line, TortiseGit for file manager integration, the git software from github or EGit for Eclipse integration).


You should name your repository "repository" (if running your own copy of git) If using remote hosting like GitHub, then just provide us the URL and we will check your code out from there.

Initialize a new Git repository. Be sure that your teammates can access the repository also. You will need to work together to complete some portions of this lab. This step is not required if using GitHub hosting

Download the M2 resource file (M2.zip) and unzip it

Import the unzipped files (add, commit and push) as a new project named M2 (Only one person has to do this)

Note that the lib directory contains a resources.jar file. This is to simulate a 3d party library you have to link to. You will need to ensure during the lab that this .jar is on the classpath for compilation and execution.

Create a branch at this point called original.

Each team member should clone out the project M2

BE SURE THAT original REMAINS AS THE UNMODIFIED VERSION and that changes to the branch are done on the main (master) branch.

Edit and commit files as detailed below. If you examine the src directory, you will see the files Person1.java Person2.java Person3.java Person4.java Person5.java (located in the edu.gatech.cs2340.antlab.person package)

Each person on the team should choose ONE of these so that everyone is working on a different file.

Now examine your individual file and complete the required method. The javadoc comment will explain what has to be done.

Commit your changes and push back to Git. Now each team member should edit the file edu.gatech.cs2340.antlab.pkg1.AntLabMain.java at the line indicated. You are basically sending your name to the constructor of the class you edited previously. Since you are all editing the same file, you will need to handle any merge requirements yourselves. You might want to get together and commit files to force a merge so you get some practice doing merges. You will run into them during the project.

Add and remove files Each team member should add a text file to the top level directory labeled readme.pn.txt where the pn would be p1, p2, p3, p4 or p5 based upon which person you are for the lab. The contents of the file can really be anything, but should include your name and email. Each team member should delete the text file useless.pn.txt where pn is p1,p2, p3, p4 or p5 based on your team member number. Do NOT delete the wrong files!!

Use good descriptive Log comments for your changes/commits

Roll back changes by viewing your original branch from an earlier step. Verify that none of the changes you have made are in the project version you checked out.

View Git logs. You can do this on github by viewing the blame and graphs provided View a diff between two versions of a file