abhaga22 / CS2340

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M4: Login/Logout and User Stories - Design #4

Open abhaga22 opened 7 years ago

abhaga22 commented 7 years ago

Team Work

Create login page or some equivalent. Split work. Create login system not susceptible to easy SQL Injection. Brainstorm ideas for User Stories on Google Docs.

Grade Rubric

  1. Context diagram covers all actors
  2. 10 use cases (or fewer, see above) are listed. They are appropriate and phrased as verb-direct object .....
  3. Android project is created and launches ....
  4. Welcome screen displays (or alternative)....
  5. Welcome screen (or alternative) has controls for login or registration ....
  6. Selecting login brings up screen to enter information ....
  7. Screen displays fields for inputting user name and password ....
  8. Login/Cancel(abort login) has appropriate action
  9. Logout functions correctly

Individual Work (Login / Logout and User Stories)

Each person on the team pick 1 user story and fully elaborate it (this is an individual grade, so you do not have to cover for a team mate). This includes the acceptance scenarios.

Grade Rubric

  1. User story is in correct format
  2. User story complies with INVEST criteria
  3. User story scenarios are in correct format
  4. User story scenarios are complete and cover both success and failure cases