abhiamishra / ggshakeR

An analysis and visualization R package that works with publicly available soccer data
MIT License
113 stars 14 forks source link

Add a favicon #88

Closed harshkrishna17 closed 2 years ago

harshkrishna17 commented 2 years ago

Thought it would be nice to add a package favicon (web tab logo) to the website. I've been reading up on the steps to make one and this has been the result.

Couple of things:

  1. Confused as to where the logo should be stored and why the logo appears twice on the website README
  2. The package logo should ideally be a hexagon without the background that technically makes it a square image.
harshkrishna17 commented 2 years ago

Also wanted to propose changing the articles section of the website to have a drop down menu. Since there are just links to the articles, think having a drop down would look cleaner than using up an entire page for just the 5 links

abhiamishra commented 2 years ago


harshkrishna17 commented 2 years ago

I'm yet to be able to figure out how to add this. I have an image of the package logo without the background (just the hexagon), but I'm not able to build the favicon. @Ryo-N7 I've been trying to follow what you did with your {tvthemes} package but confused about the steps and the order to follow. Also checked out this issue but still not able to make it work.

harshkrishna17 commented 2 years ago

This is the image of just the package hexagon logo


abhiamishra commented 2 years ago

I can try to take a look at it today

abhiamishra commented 2 years ago

@Ryo-N7 - you've created a favicon before as per Harsh

Ryo-N7 commented 2 years ago

@harshkrishna17 : did you create a branch that I can jump into to see what you were trying ? I really can't get an idea of what things you were trying just from what you are saying.

I created the {hexSticker} package to create the PNG so I'm not sure how to create a favicon.

The link to the image in the README is on line 17 in README.Rmd: man/figures/ggshakeRhex-small.png so you just need to replace that with your favicon thingy

harshkrishna17 commented 2 years ago

I'll try that

harshkrishna17 commented 2 years ago

closed #96